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Veteran Driver IV
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About AzzyC

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  1. i did apply but on his profile it says apply may take longer so send message

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zirox


      On your profile? They are for content count. 

    3. AzzyC


      okay =) thanks mate .

    4. Zirox
  2. Hi wooqash the ban was unnessesary i was not insulting anyone i was just immitating a guy in voice chat no bad meant plz help me out. ingame name is Sp00nS

    1. Zirox


      Please make an appeal, status locked. 

  3. Hi could someone help me i am trying to connect to Europe 2 but for some reason it says ''Session Invalid''
  4. Here you go my selfie with you // Sp00nS



    1. Cooper's Freightmaster

      Cooper's Freightmaster

      Great to see - enjoy your trip! :) 

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