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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by RichManSCTV

  1. "road to simulation" Update is a big mistake to the TMP servers and community. This is very saddening to see a community I love so much fall to bits over a bad update

  2. I decided to apply to college again!

  3. Just got all the ATS DLC!!

  4. They want me to do a 20 hour shift right after a 12 and 8 hour shift. RIP me

  5. Been sick recently :(

    1. SupiUK


      Sorry to hear that, I wish you well buddy :) 

    2. Ryotaink


      I wish you get well soon ^_^

  6. Easter event is fun!

  7. Just finished some FEMA Training 

    1. [Mega Trans] CrystaL
    2. RichManSCTV


      @[Mega Trans] CrystaL Thanks! Now I have to do 72 hours of class room stuff

  8. Becoming a fire fighter is fun!

    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      And It's also a pretty responsible job!

    2. RichManSCTV


      @BL4CK$K1LL Well I really like to help others

  9. 7B7C7250D07D2596FD64156A340C0A39C8F90DBE


    On the edge!!

    1. SupiUK


      Cool photo :D 

  10. Whats up with the real ops server?? Everything was fine until now this happens every time I try to join



    1. dragonslayingmaster1000


      Same here, also I see many others getting kicked as soon as I join too as you can see in chat. Not even congested europoort either just in the uk. If you're using wifi try uninstalling the wifi in device manager and restart your computer. Edit: No difference it's just on their side I'm still being kicked.

    2. dragonslayingmaster1000


       Seems to be fine now, I played for 5 minutes and no kick. Still super high ping of about 500 but not enough to be kicked.

  11. I hope everyone has a good weekend!

    1. ZombieZz


      You too! Although, this isn't good news for me... I've had this whole week off college, next week I'm going back. :(

    2. RichManSCTV


      @Zombiez College is cool! I always love to learn new things, it can be a big stress but always take some time for your self!

    3. ZombieZz
  12. https://i.imgur.com/aMxgQbR.gifv



    Krone DLC, with winter mod




  13. When you see it say the customer expects the delivery soon

  14. Hope everyone has a great day!!

  15. Just got a bunch of new DLC!

  16. went for a 3 hour bike ride today!

  17. I see you all the time!

    1. D0geLuL


      Doge Logistics!! ^^

  18. I have about 5 inches of snow outside!

    1. Nameless Ghoul

      Nameless Ghoul

      I have sun and blue sky. 

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