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Veteran Driver VII
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About Gamer

  • Birthday 11/11/2002

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Republic of Ireland
  • Interests
    First person shooters and driving games.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Dover
  • Known languages
    English, Irish and French

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  1. You should get a used Driving Force GT I got one for 50 euro and I use it all the time.
  2. Windows Xp is so 2005. Im a windows 10 guy. Then newest build 10074 is amazing!
  3. There was a bug that made my game crash the whole time. I was talking to support and they found a bug and they told me they would update the game today and it should be fixed. i think it has to do with my nvidia graphics card because some of the textures loaded wrong and my screen kept tearing. (Also thank you for fixing the bug I can now play the game again)
  4. Please help. I can't play the game with out it crashing.
  5. Mod Version: 1.5 R2 Controllers Used: Sony Playstation 3 dualshock 3 sixaxis Description of Issue: My game keeps crashing and then saying "Fatal Crash Error" How to reproduce: Play for 10 minutes then it crashes. Screenshots / Videos: No Crash log: Yes http://pastebin.com/MxrZfea0 http://pastebin.com/MxrZfea0 (I didn't know what one)
  6. Mod Version: 1.5 R2 Controllers Used: Sony Playstation 3 dualshock 3 Description of Issue: My game froze and then said "Fatal Crash Error' How to reproduce: I went back on the game and It did it again. Screenshots / Videos: Nope Crash log: ​Actually yes, http://pastebin.com/Lyxa5XSE http://pastebin.com/MxrZfea0(I didn't know which crash log)
  7. I'm from the Republic of Ireland and I play on EU#1 but it is ok now. It randomly started working again. Only thing is that now I cant get on the server because it is always full
  8. Mod Version: 0.1.4 R3 Controllers Used: Playstation 3 Dualshock 3 Description of Issue: I keep getting kicked due to ping How to reproduce: It says my ping is over 600ms every time I try to play. It used to be in the 20's until I installed it on my new SSD. Screenshots / Videos: http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/537390612468679032/4C1F2053399EB3C555AAF18FFBF6FDB2BC456C80/1024x578.resizedimage
  9. No but it suddenly works again weird.
  10. No but it suddenly works again weird.
  11. Yes & ETS2 single player launches fine.
  12. Mod Version: 11r3 Controllers Used: PS3 dulashock 3 but i use moitioninjoy so the game thinks its a xbox remote. Description of Issue: When I click on "Play Euro Truck Simulator 2" it does nothing. How to reproduce: I tried running as admininstrator. Screenshots / Videos: No.
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