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Veteran Driver VII
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About FatalAttraction

  • Birthday 01/17/2001

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  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Storm Chasing, Meteorology, World Events
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Oxnard
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
  • Known languages

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  1. Spoiler

    Happy birthday and drive safe man


  2. Happy birthday and many more happy years, my friend. 🎂

  3. Turns out he was still running ATS singleplayer and that caused the issue, was fixed as soon as he quit.
  4. One of my friends got this error and I'm not sure how to help him
  5. Marked! Thank you!
  6. I keep getting this connection error, I've tried reinstalling and I get the same thing, I don't know what to do.
  7. I believe I've fixed the issue, I tried the first resolution and it instantly verified, also tried the 2nd and it seems to be working fine now. Thank you for all the help!
  8. I tried downgrading my game because it told me I needed to, and when I did so the download almost got done but went to content file locked and now I cannot play the game. It comes up with: An error has occurred while updating American Truck Simulator (content profile locked) C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\steamapps\common\American Truck Simulator\bin\win_x64\amtrucks.exe Can anyone help? Thanks
  9. Have you played ETS2 for 2 hours yet? You must play Euro Truck Simulator 2 for 2 hours before you can play multiplayer.
  10. I see no issue with advertisements, I play for at least 20 hours every week and I have never seen anyone "spamming" chat with advertisements and recruitment, adding rules for advertisement would do nothing but increase admin workloads. -1
  11. United States ATS 3rd time and still doesnt work. Uninstalling and reinstalling does nothing either. Seriously? People are starting be mad at me because I can't play with them.
  12. I accidently hit the police skin and got kicked from the server, I sold the car and I still can't get online, says I'm banned, I check and the only ban I've had was from 2 days ago and it was only a 1 day ban that was appealed successfully, it lets me log into online, but it goes from connection established to connection failed, you are banned from the TruckersMP network... I've tried reinstalling and uninstalling twice and still nothing, FIX IT.
  13. I just got banned for swerving ONCE because my cat was being a pain in the a**. Apparently I have no bans but says I'm banned when I try to connect.
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