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+*+THC Kingdom 808+

Veteran Driver VII
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About +*+THC Kingdom 808+

  • Birthday 05/22/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hawai'i Island, Hawai'i.
  • Interests
    Chill ppl = epic-ness
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Phoenix
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf

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  1. Happy birthday, happy every day.🎂

  2. Mahalo nui loa for another speedy update; Really appreciate all your hard work and MP experience. Aloha!!!
  3. Happy Birthday Fear :) 

  4. Thank you for a speedy update, really appreciate all the dedication you guys put into MP. Keep it up.
  5. Mahalo nui loa.
  6. Fast work, Mahalo again for the update.
  7. Please let us know where you were able to snag a rocky dub in ATS MP Mahalo
  8. Thanks, My game crashed at the Ely service shop had about 8 Bob tailing and four with custom colored trailers all same company parked at the service shop as soon as I pull out into the street my game crashed, was finally able to get away far enough to make my drop at Jackpot. On my way out of Jackpot I ran into two guys both with color matched trailers parked off the highway I could not get pass them my game kept crashing. Had 195 players in server luckily I was able to send crash report on both occasions.
  9. BTW has anyone playing ATS in Multiplayer seen a triple or rocky Mountain double? Been up and down Nevada no jobs for those type of trailers and haven't seen anyone pulling these trailers. Must not be supported yet...?
  10. This was posted back in 2015 lol but for sure read the disclaimer at the bottom you all assume responsibly if you mod against Truckers MP terms and conditions even if the mod guidelines doesn't list your alternatives, it's up to the administration of truckers MP to allow or not allow these types of mods which they don't mention about doubles or triples- Mod guidelines: Only mods that edit your save game will work in multiplayer, all other mods will be disabled. Beacons on the bull bar or otherwise on the front of the truck is not allowed. An excessive amount of beacons (more than the game allows without save editing) is not allowed. Any mods changing or expanding the truck, car or trailers hitbox is not allowed. You can only use car parts on cars, truck parts on trucks, and trailer parts on trailers. No exceptions. The police accessories for the car is restricted to admins only. Your vehicle must be a functional vehicle (i.e. don't remove everything but the chassis and tires). Only one full-length trailer is allowed. Examples of allowed mods: Using the 750 HP Volvo engine in other trucks. Custom colors and cargo on trailers (that don't affect the hitbox). Changing weight of trailers (i.e. for the 75 ton and 125 ton challenges). Other mods following the above guidelines. Some allowed mods: Note: Please review all mods against these guidelines before using in multiplayer. You are responsible for any mods you use. This is NOT an official approval, these are suggested sites known to contain mods following our guidelines. This list may not be fully up to date. If you use a mod from one of these sites that violates the guidelines above we can ban you. If you have questions please ask in the help section on the forum. If you think a mod on one of these sites violate our guidelines and/or rules, or if you have a suggestion for a website to add, please let us know so we can update the list.
  11. Never said it was against the rules to apply different colors on box trailers, however you may be right the trailers aren't the problem. I just passed two rigs both pulling color matched trailers no crash. The crashing was occurring when more people were logging into the server. Still out on the road see lots more color coded trailers and no crash..
  12. Yup got a few company's just sitting at the service shop with color matched doubles keeps crashing everytime I get near the area.. kinda sad.
  13. Mahalo nui loa for the update very much appreciated, updated steam to 1.28 public beta and updated/unblocked truckers mp afterwards fired up truckers mp as admin now got a double hooked up heading to Ely Nevada, hope triple work. Mahalo for the update
  14. ^Agreed; I don't have ETS2 but your idea for auto kick might be more trouble then it's worth....what if pilot convoys need to get through? (Would they be deemed "use-less" traffic? Or would the convoy just plan around the no car restriction zone(s)? <---these are rhetorical questions ha-ha. BTW I quoted again but switch engines lol.
  15. ^Please don't hesitate to report in game via (TAB) right mouse-click (select the abuser of privileges and hit report) screen shots of the chaos or video with audio proof without any reasonable doubt will get things under control...to me honestly if kids wanna mess around okay fine but to start cussing out other drivers over CB or using hate speech is just plain wrong and yup you guessed it: kids on the cb talking trash about the way other truckers truck look like (this is over CB) idk IMO its harder to let someone with that mentality slide in game and eventually get away with it ugh rant lol.
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