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A Simple Cheeseburger

Veteran Driver VII
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A Simple Cheeseburger last won the day on August 11 2017

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About A Simple Cheeseburger

  • Birthday March 23

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    Not Telling
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    Your local Mcdonalds
  • Interests
    Pretending I'm a dolphin and thanking people for all the fish ;)
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  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London
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  1. Where is this server located? On the other Euro servers I get an average ping of 300, but here I dont even load into the game before im kicked.
  2. Happy Bday! (your pfp made me hungry btw)

  3. Is there no way to remove your birthdate from TMP?

    Asking for a friend.

    1. ScaniaFan89


      Yea you click edit profile & set it to Not Telling

  4. When your Irish friends talk about three doored cars...

    1. LordBenji


      Is that a joke about a typo? xD

  5. Since it's only 10 days to Halloween.
    I think it's time we did the mash!


  6. I'm kicking myself for not trying Promite all these years! I've only been to two cities so far, being London and Dover but I am 100% sold already. i'm so glad TMP supports this now! 

    1. Reaper


      Some of the roads are just an absolute joy to drive down in Promods, such a great decision by TMP

  7. Imagine if, before humans the planet was inhabited by robots and androids, some of them were experimenting with creating 'life' out of biological matter. Then one day, that biological matter became sentient and overthrew the robot civilization and started mankind. Now thousands of years later, the robots are on the verge of taking back what was rightfully theirs...

    It's something to think about


    1. zenophiba


      This got me thinking.

  8. AAAAAH!!! I FOUND IT!!!!



    The tape with that song!! :D



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      I'm afraid not. All there is on the back is a list of the songs (which is also present on the front, as you can see). No mention of any specific artist, band or even the company who recorded the compilation or distributor.

    3. A Simple Cheeseburger

      A Simple Cheeseburger

      Darn, The elusive tale of the cassette cover continues!

    4. Mike Dragon
  9. I haven't slept i16 hours, the real ops event is at 2 AM, and I've got no coffee. I'll be fiiiiiiine…

  10. So, I found out the hard way that its not a good idea to drive tired.
    At least I had my caring friends to make sure I was ok and not make fun of me via an old ad campaign.

    The original ad is here:


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. LordBenji


      I know there was times I was driving while tired, but not to the point I'd snooze. It reminds me of what happened to me a few days ago. I was driving on the highway, and someone was in the middle lane. I went to overtake the guy during a very light turn, but he just kept going straight and going into my lane, and I blasted my horn while I was nearly hugging the median barrier. Not sure if the other driver was distracted or sleepy, but he scared the crap out of me.

    3. A Simple Cheeseburger

      A Simple Cheeseburger

      I guess he was tired of turning.

    4. ItzJChan


      true aussie bloke here xd actually gave me a good laugh


  11. yo no idea if you remember me from a while ago but I was watching this cs source video and pretty sure its you on the chat at 2:02 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56RQp8lq_sU

    1. A Simple Cheeseburger

      A Simple Cheeseburger

      Yeah that's me. That was an old JB server I used to play on every day, I guess you could say I was addicted to it lol. Long story short it shut down late 2015 and about a year later I found TMP. I had no idea this video existed until about a year ago when a friend of mine showed it to me and asked if it was me. A lot of fun memories from that place, I still miss it to this day. :(


  12. @Mike Dragon Which car is you?8gMZVur.png

    1. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      The black and white one with police lights and name on the sides. You can't miss it!

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