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Kaldra Versvesh

Veteran Driver III
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About Kaldra Versvesh

  • Birthday 03/18/1995

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Diego
  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Verona

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  • VTC Name
    SCP Transports

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  1. Really want to start a Virtual Trucking Company....but I cannot meet the requirements. Sad days, oh well. Back to trucking.

    1. Blackmyst


      You can start a VTC all you want the only thing you can't do is promote it on the forums. Got to start somewhere though.

    2. Kaldra Versvesh

      Kaldra Versvesh

      Yeah True, it'll be a bit difficult to pass the idea up to others though. Since what I was thinking of making is quite unusual.

    3. Blackmyst


      For every idea there is always a supporter. Go for it. Besides your doing it to enjoy that game the way you like to. Come across those that want to join and now your playing with people who like to enjoy the game the same way you do. Win win.

  2. I would close the thread if I could. Once more for those suggesting the search, I did do a few searches, probably putting in the wrong keywords, but I was coming up fruitless. You guys make a fairly good point, however another reason to ask for more efficiency with the cars is so they're not stopping the convoy more than necessary to fill up. As they might be used for larger convoys as they might be purposed for. Should make the scouts hybrid or electric cars lol. If an admin could, please close the thread. I believe the necessary opinions have been given. As much as I would like to see at least one other escort vehicle. It isn't truly necessary.
  3. My apologies, I tried to use the search and wasn't getting any of the same suggestion.
  4. Suggestion Description: Basically, maybe some modding to add one or two more purchasable cars or maybe even a pickup truck to drive around? Mostly to add alittle more character to the local traffics. Also, I don't know if the devs are trying to figure it out at all....but maybe adjust the cars to be alot more fuel efficient. I found a mod on the workshop I'm going to test this for, it adds a Range Rover and a Skoda Superb. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=688326286 Why should it be added?: Well for one, the current cars used ingame, yeah are nice. But despite their weird handling, my biggest complaint is the fuel consumption. I'll be adding abit more later with any questions or opinions others might have.
  5. Alright that answers it. I was running on the USA server. Thanks!
  6. So I was quite excited with the whole car thing, especially nice for those who just want to cruise once in awhile. And it worked well on ATS! Then I decided to get one on ETS2 and....same setup as the ATS one, but...I got kicked from the server with the server saying something along the lines of "Server is Simulator Server Only"? I'm slightly confused as to why this is. To give an idea on what I changed on the car, all I did was add a custom metallic paint job and throw a pilot light bar on top.
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