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Retired Team Member
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Everything posted by Chev

  1. Morning everyone! ❤️

    1. 'Roxana.


      Good morning Chev :HaulieLove:

    2. ^^Elen^^


      Good Morning Chev:HaulieLove:

  2. Have a lovely night everyone! ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Agricultor [PT]

      Agricultor [PT]

      Welcome back Chev! ❤️ 

    3. Holy`


      Welcome again, I did the same thing, missed it and came back haha!

    4. Bеаn


      Yippie, just the news I've been waiting for! 

  3. Thank you everyone for the take care messages. It really does mean a lot and I’ll be sure to maybe pop in from time to time. I do highly doubt I will ever come back to TMP in a full capacity, but we shall see what the future brings for me.

    With sad news comes good news -  I’ll be spending my free time with Nibb on SoT/COD where I’m the most happiest, focusing on my real life, and as well as streaming with my best friend. TMP will always hold a special place in my heart as it has brought me happiness through one certain person even if no one likes it.


    Take care and good luck to you all! 😇

    1. Mr.Drexy


      Take care, Chev. I hope to see you here again. May everything be as you wish. :HaulieLove:

    2. L-DR@GO


      They are Facebook pages I joined..

      And your name is always called there, about how good you are as a moderator.

      This is how Good you are..

      People talk good about you even in places you don't know and places you've never been..


      Take care Bro

      I still wish to see you back 💕

    3. xLucky13Britx


      awwww will miss you on TMP sad to see you leave the mod team chev 

  4. Good morning! Have a lovely day. ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HENGYA


      Good morning Chev:豪莉爱: have a nice dayyyy <333

    3. L-DR@GO


      Good Morning 2u2

      and do have a Gucci day 😄

    4. Esdeath69


      Have a nice day too:HaulieLove:

  5. Have a lovely day everyone and keep always smiling! Much love and safe journeys today. ❤️

  6. Happy Birthday old admeen! ❤️

  7. Good afternoon/evening everyone! Best of luck to those applying to join the GM team. Keep on smiling! ❤️

    1. Rider.
    2. Chev


      Thanks, can’t wait to apply and see where my application goes :kappa:

    3. Tеddy


      Good evening/good day to you too sir. I hope you had a good day. thank you for your good wishes:tmp::HaulieLove:

  8. Good morning/afternoon. Have an awesome Sunday everyone! ❤️

    1. Tеddy


      I hope you have a good day admeen thank u :HaulieLove:

    2. L-DR@GO
  9. rec ban ❤️

    1. NιghtKιller


      No admeeen, please no ban 😭 ❤️ 😆

    2. Chev


      I’ll think about it :kappa:

  10. Good morning everyone! Have a lovely day. ❤️

    1. NιghtKιller


      Good morning, you too! ❤️

  11. Have a lovely evening/night everyone! 😁


    Don’t forget to keep smiling and remembering tomorrow is always a better day.


    PS: @Rider. is UwU ❤️

  12. Good morning everyone! Have a lovely day and keep smiling. 😄


    Feels good to be back in Prime. ❤️

  13. Vlosssssssom Happy Birthday ❤️

  14. Have a great evening/week coming up! ❤️

    1. FourP.


      Have a good day too nub

  15. Good morning everyone! Have a great day and awesome weekend. ❤️

    1. FayezTMP
    2. Guest


      Gooooood Morning! 😀

    3. L-DR@GO


      Good Morning 2u2 🙏

      have a great weekend 2👍

  16. Happy Birthday bud! ❤️

  17. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Have a lovely day! ❤️

    1. L-DR@GO



      and u too 👍

    2. Sunstrider


      It would be better if there wasn't 3 eight hour shifts back to back. Luckily, today is the third one.

    3. Chev


      Sorry to hear that. :((

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