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Veteran Driver III
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About Andy55411

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    California: Bakersfield
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  1. That moment where you have two trolls in ATS trying to troll you, you notice your drop off is at the next light, acted like I was gonna stop at the light, then put the hammer down, take a wide right turn, troll says "**** you". priceless every time.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Andy55411


      @ScaniaFan89 I didn't hit them, I made sure of it. as I was approaching the light, one of the troll cars was tucked behind my trailer, you know how bad the brakes on the cars are lol. I drive with common sense in mind to make a long story short.

    3. ScaniaFan89


      I just love how we get punished for owning the little * censored * by catching them out or whatever....theres a video of a guy flipping the bird because the guy in front wouldn't break the speed limit, so he goes up next to him & does that, then floors it & spins out completely destroying his truck as the innocent guy drives on laughing! 

      @Andy55411 this 


    4. Andy55411


      @ScaniaFan89 That wasn't my first time out smarting trolls either lol. its one thing to troll, but to troll then embarrassingly fail? priceless XD

      That woman in the video pretty much sums up my reaction lol. destroying a nice looking truck for what? XD

  2. Hello fellow truckers, how's everyone doing out there? I'm starting to get back in to TruckersMp.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Andy55411


      Thanks, Happy Valentine's Day to you to. I'm already doing that. I've met some good people on here recently.


      Thanks @MrCipr, its nice to be back in the saddle.

    3. Andy55411
  3. The point where I "hit" the truck, ignore that because I really didn't, the detection box is a bit bigger than the truck. I even showed it not hitting the truck. I would've felt it in the wheel if I had hit it as well.

  4. Me parking a heavy cargo trailer in a very tight reststop. I was explaining everything I was doing but didn't notice my mic was muted haha, enjoy https://www.twitch.tv/videos/165398109

  5. Me and my buddy were trucking along yesterday and then this person joined in unannounced as they were heading to the same port because of that small chance of picking the same load when they didn't ask/told them where we're headed. cruising with them was a breath of fresh air. they maintained safe distance and didn't do anything a normal truck driver wouldn't do. that is so rare these days. keep those wheels turning and stay safe out there.

    1. Aestrial


      I get that sometimes; I love when something like that happens, it just adds some more realism into the game as well.


      Happy trucking mate ;)

    2. Andy55411


      I agree :)


      stay safe

    3. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      I've had this experience a few times. It's definitely something nice to have happen to you. I dare say that sometimes I was the good one to "join" someone on a route, though. XP If everyone would respect the rules we wouldn't even need admins, to be honest. But such is life!

  6. Maybe one day I'll become a in-game mod as when I live streamed I'd find at least one person that needed to be reported. I know you first become forum mod then maybe promoted to in-game mod, just saying I'd love to have that chance one day :). keep those wheel spinning people :)

    1. Creatured


      doesn't quite work like that though

    2. Andy55411


      I know, I just was saying is all ;)

  7. Thanks to the 1.6 update for ats floating gears just got way easier :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Andy55411


      In game it doesn't make a difference if you double clutch or not, its more if you wanna shift properly when clutching or not. the grinding in ets2 is because scs hasn't tweaked the input shaft and engine like they did in ats 1.6. in game you cant damage your transmission by grinding all day long, like park the truck and put the shifter in to a gear and let it grind all day long and it'll be perfectly fine sadly.

    3. Andy55411


      Try floating gears in ats 1.6 when you get the chance and you'll notice a huge difference

    4. LordBenji


      Oh, double clutching would mess me up though. I don't know how people do, clutch, neutral, clutch next gear. If I were to do that, I would need to constantly rev my engine to match the rpm, or just leave it be and release the clutch so the rpm adjusts itself.

  8. About to go live on twitch with american truck simulator (USA server) so don't grief around me unless you wanna get banned :P



  9. This is how you take care of trolls in TruckersMp, the legit way :). 



    1. stilldre1976


      Lol fairplay I loves messing with trolls its funny as they crave attention but when you starts giving them some they don't like it haha :lol:

    2. Andy55411


      Its all fun and games until the shoe is on the other foot XD

  10. That moment when someone that you reported for ramming you contacts you via steam and claiming that they didn't do anything wrong XD

    1. heyhococo


      ... xD


      You can report him for bullying/harassment if it continues and he can have an extended ban if needs be :)

    2. Andy55411


      That's true. I had a talk with them, explaining why I reported them and that I was holding my lane perfectly and they came to the left and in to my lane. they basically even said I should've had my right hud mirror on to see them coming but I explained that I use a head tracking device called TrackIR 4 so if I move my head to the right then the camera will move to the right, besides, I saw them coming on the map so that made me maintain my lane even more. also, you would think if it wasn't on purpose then they would've either would've said something and/or stopped.


      anyway I blocked them on steam after we talked. I'm not butthurt over it, its a game and I can just F7 and get another load. not to brag but I got so much money it'll take a lot of destroyed loads to bankrupt me :P.

  11. A lot of foolishness on ets2 eu2 tonight XD. https://www.twitch.tv/andy55411/v/79539377

    1. BrajkYY


      HAHAHAHAHAHAHA kings :D 

  12. Just got a 32 inch tv for my early birthday present yesterday. trucking and other games are going to be so much more fun :)

    1. GabijusEK


      Congratulations! :)

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      32 inch tv :D Nice :D Enjoy :D 

    3. Andy55411


      @GabijusEK @DavidOC93 thank you and I am :)

  13. Man, ets2 eu2 was full of people that needs reporting and I'm going to report each and every single one of em :)

    1. bryangullickson


      Good Luck i still have several reports pending on people from EU2 from either monday or tuesday

    2. DerAmpelmann


      I made 3 reports on Tuesday and one of 'em is still waiting to get looked in to. It's weird cuz I sent them in at nearly same time. 

    3. Andy55411


      Thanks and you to. as of lately it feels like a mission of mine to report all people that deserves to be reported.

  14. Think of it this way. I kill someone in real life, get put in jail, I get out, being put in jail is now on my record so when I try to get a job they will see I was put in jail, most likely I will not be hired because I was put in jail, they tend not to care for what, just the fact I was put in jail, certain jobs will look deeper and look to see why you were put in jail. even law enforcement will use this information, like someone got killed, evidence points to me some how or they think I may be linked to the murder, they'll bring up my record to see if I have a clean record or not. if they see that I have a non clean record they'll see why I was put in jail and they'll look and see if they can link me to the murder. why am I saying all of this you may ask? well it helps players find players with clean records for either to play with or for their company, I'm not saying that seeing you have a non clean record, I'm just saying that it helps. also helps admins and this goes back to the law enforcement using this information. an admin sees someone ramming so the admin takes a look at the suspect's record and sees that person has a 5 bans for ramming, then the admins can use this information to further decide what to do with this person. I may got some facts incorrect but I think you get my point
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