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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by rektbro

  1. Congrats on your newest rank, I've kinda left this area of the game since I finally left Apollo, been a long time ago when we met in DarkZoneGaming, good luck on your journey here.

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Thx ^_^ I miss those days back in APL and with DZG :( great times :wub:

  2. Grats on Moderator man, been a while since I've been out with LKW. How's the team doing?

    1. Kap.


      Team is doing good :D You should come to say hello some day :P 

    2. rektbro


      Yup! I'll have to stop by soon.

  3. you okay there @KrazyMudkip? xd


    1. FozzyGuy


      No, I think he went all hulk smash... He accidentally kicked me

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  4. Wherever you installed it. 1: C:\Program Files\TruckersMP 2: C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP
  5. Hello! Here are my ELS Convoy Photos! : http://imgur.com/a/F6OKn


    1. Leo35


      amazing pictures

  6. Hello! Here are my photos for the TPG Convoy Today! - http://imgur.com/a/on5lq


  7. Sad to see you go! :( 

  8. Congratulations Man!!!

    1. Sunort


      Thank you buddy! :) 

    2. rektbro


      Gotta update that Forum Background Picture aye! Haha

    3. Sunort
  9. Congratulations !

  10. Happy Birthday @Clarkinator!
  11. Okay, thanks
  12. Ya, but they added a car etc. Could they not just add a upgrade physic into the upgrade menu for the trucks / cars?
  13. Suggestion Name: Smoke coming out of the exhausts on trucks / cars. Suggestion Description: Pretty simple, Smoke comes out of your truck / car's exhaust when you accelerate or have the engine on / idle. Any example images: Why should it be added?: I believe it should be added because it would be a really cool feature to have in multiplayer. It would make the vehicles look more realistic and I feel like a lot of players will like it.
  14. Congrats on Trial Support Dude! :) 

  15. Hello, On the betas tab, make sure you select the "opt out of all betas". Hope this helps ^ Solution
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