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Veteran Driver VIII
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About KayyJayy:D

  • Birthday 09/08/2000

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Airplanes, Trains, Cars, Trucks,
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Rotterdam
  • Known languages
    English, Chinese

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    emAIRald. Oh wait that's a VA...

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10607 profile views

KayyJayy:D's Achievements

  1. Happy birthday  ⚡

  2. Happy Birthday!!! 

  3. 1 even 20 is impossible
  4. any reward for 10?
  5. There's a guy using NCZ hack on EU 2 at duisburg. Be careful

    1. Mircea97


      I just sayed hi to his mum :) 

  6. Topic Title: ID not found when reporting players TruckersMP ID: 898112 URL: https://truckersmp.com/reports/create Server Time/ Date: 2018-06-17 11:38 How to reproduce: Log in -> Report --> Key in 2203352 and it says ID not found Browser: Chrome67 Screenshots / Videos:
  7. What if I get banned for car with trailer even though I'm on EU4?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aestrial


      That's dependant on the evidence provided for that specific ban; for a lot of evidences, especially from moderators, the tab-menu is open, so we can prove what server your on. Additionally, the EU4 server is a non-collision server, so if you were seen with the car with a trailer driving through people outside of companies, then we'd also know that your on EU4 server.


      It's highly dependant on the evidence supplied; if it can't be proved fully and conclusively, then game moderators shouldn't really be banning.

    3. Aestrial


      Netrodo, that's not correct; Cars w/ trailers can be used on servers with [Freeroam] in there title, such as EU4, as stated in the game rules.

  8. What if I decide to use a car with trailer on EU #4 but someone decides to report me because he says I'm on EU #2 (or another server)

  9. So is it a valid appeal to appeal a ban which was given without evidence? 

    1. Aestrial


      In the first case, the ban will be given without evidence. Once you appeal, the admin who banned you will provide the evidence in your appeal. 


      If the admin does not have evidence for your ban, then the ban will be lifted and deleted, since it's not valid. 

    2. laurentte


      how can you appeal @Aestrial ?


  10. Admins need evidence to ban people in-game as well right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BLADEDassassino


      yes, expecially video evidence for ramming, cheating,wrong way...

      for insult sometimes screnshoot are god too

    3. AnarşistGenç
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