i am from Germany, so sorry for my English
Suggestion Name: Real Speed-Limit-Tickets
Suggestion Description: If you`re driving to fast, and the speed limiters flash you, you get ticket to pay, but also a Point for a speed ticket. Making many Tickets, you get a Ban for 1 day (example)
Any example images: No
Why should it be added?: The most drivers on the ETSMP are driving the alowed maximum speed on the roads. All of them have enough money to pay the tickets, so it doesn`t matter how often the get flashed by the speed limiter. My idea is, make a point system to slow down and realise the game into real life.
Example: The maximum point for 1 day (24h) are 12 points. Someone drives into the speed limiter an get the bill on the navi. also he get a info text "1:12 points reached for this day". So he knows, oops, i must take care, when i want play for a longer time. If someone reached 12 points, he get automatic ban for 24h (example).
I think, that this way will get slow down many drivers like in real time. we all have enough money to pay the bill, but we want not stop driving. so we take care of speed limiter, slow down, and drive smoother.
Also, it will be near at the real life, where i get points, too
You can also add infos in front of the speed limiter to see them faster and can slow the truck. (like in germany highways)