This Happens , when you Zoom In/out the Map ?
This is a bug , may does fix this that , but seems not Supported for TruckersMP , so some users Report the Fix won't work !
And that , but it seems this isn't for ProMods 2.65 yet : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2485894487&searchtext=background
I have the same Error : d:\buildbot\slaves\win_slave\final_build_ets2_147_windows_bin_steam_x64\build\prism\src\p3core\collections\arrays\arrays_base_impl.h(491): ??A?$array_t@Ur_buffer_segment_t@prism@@@prism@@QEAAAEAUr_buffer_segment_t@1@_K@Z: Index outside array boundaries.
Added Link:
When it Crash on the Map in/out Zoom !