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Veteran Driver III
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About dankmemes

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  1. Its fine like that but it is kids in the middle of rotterdam traffic ramming into each other and its sometimes a queue of 20 people
  2. No you get kids who can't keep in the ****ing lane on roads, swerving because they don't know how to drive straight etc.
  3. Look at the difference. Does every single person on the road get damaged when trying to leave their house/town/city? Not in real life as much as these morons
  4. Hello there, I'm suggesting a driving test to be certified for online play. Why? I was at rotterdam and at an attempt at leaving to the europort for the ferry i was damaged non stop after about 20 attempts of leaving, all being massively. You've got people cutting corners, slow drivers, people cutting you off, road rage etc. and it annoys me.
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