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Veteran Driver IV
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About Luigi1474

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  1. Thanks. Happy Christmas!
  2. Hi, I need your help. The multiplayer requires this VERSION but I don't have this version available on betas in ets, can you help me ? Thanks
  3. Please read the message: You don't need to wait them if you can solve the problem without them!
  4. Okay I'm sorry for not respecting the suggestion format. However I do this type of things in the game such as advise people but I never saw an other one do it. I think this team could be helpful if it's make by smart people. They are not police because they have no powers
  5. I don't think that this team could cause more delays. They advise people for crashing and eventually traffic on road. They don't block road! You don't need to wait this team for a crash, you are free to use f7 as you prefer.
  6. Hi, my name is Luigi and I like to play in ets2 multiplayer but unfortunately there always crash or people behaving badly in game and all these things ruin the game. I would like to propose a new type of team: ROAD ASSISTANCE TEAM with no special powers. They have simply the power to advise players for crash and other unforseen events (eventually ask players to slow down for their safety), manage the convoys on road and eventually only kick (NOT BANN) players stopped in the middle of the road with the purpose of try to help players and so in this way we can save them from other crash (multiple crash) and destroyed engines. You don't need them if you can solve your problem but many times people don't want to clear road immediately and they block road for minutes causing multiple crashing! So I hope that you will consider this suggestion and I hope that you will agree with this. I'm sorry for my bad english. *Maybe this image can clarify my suggestion (This is only an example) Thanks Luigi1474
  7. Loonloon can you play again?
  8. It doesn't work! Please help me to fix it! is useless to me
  9. THANKS A LOT MAN I'm going to trying it!
  10. How can I download it?
  11. is there a new update? There is a new update? I don't understand
  12. What type of error do you see?
  13. yeah I think that admin/moderator in game must also kick people for not stopping at red light and not respecting traffic rules!
  14. I like this idea! Very great idea, let's hope it will be consider in the future
  15. Hi I'm sorry I have the same problem Many players have this problem. It's 1.25 update problem They will fix it soon
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