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About INET 4 - MLeNoSH

  • Birthday July 7

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Paris

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  1. Downloading ETS2MP installer. OK! Installing and downloading ETS2MP Client with or without uninstalling the old ETS2MP Client installation. OK! Installing and downloading ETS2MP Client with or without installing the Late Autumn Mod. OK! Installing and downloading Late Autumn Mod. FAIL! When reaching more or least 8MB, it was stop downloading. Connect to all server is fine, EXCEPT EU #1
  2. Relaxing after exhausting convoy. Friends Forever!
  3. Awesome! I like the crash game problem finally fixed...
  4. @The Leeds Lad : Maybe you're right... @Gorkal1ty : hehe...me just want to give an idea. Not today, maybe in the future...
  5. Hello, This is my suggestion... Suggestion Name: Add multination flags for trailer. Suggestion Description: Trailer skin pack with all players nationality flag in it. Any example images: Yes (below). Why should it be added?: We have so many ETS2 MP players all around the world. Why don't visualize it on trailer skin Credit to @ngalag2015
  6. Fantastic!
  7. Awesome update! In 0.1.3 Alpha I don't get any crashed game. In 0.1.3 R2 also the same
  8. What a nice improvement... Will wait for the fix soon...
  9. Hahahaha bisa aja... Game ETS2 justru yg software utama bukan software pendukung lagi namanya. Biar game ETS2 bisa dimainkan secara online atau Multiplayer, perlu software pendukung game client ETS2MP. Logika "bermain" yg saya maksud itu luas mas. Karena bermain ETS2MP tidak hanya cara memainkannya saja, tapi gimana bahagia nya bisa membuat ScreenShot yg bagus, mempercantik ScreenShot dgn memasang watermark, bisa sharing capture video saat kita sedang bermain di Multiplayer dgn orang lain, dll. Bedakan dgn kata "memainkan".
  10. Sure... Will looking forward for that..
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