Name: Multiplayer VR
Description: Add VR Support for Multiplayer. (If this is not possible, Then suggestion will be to start researching how to get it to work.)
Images: None because I assume most people know what a VR is.
Why?: Other people have wondered if this is possible before but got shut down. As some May stay that it shouldn’t be added because most peoples computers cannot handle VR, What about the ones who can.
If we wish to torture myself with motion sickness why stop us?
Also, There’s more content opportunities for YouTubers if this is added.
Some May say “If we change it to support VR, Everybody must be in the current VR Version”
Well here’s the solution: Add a button above or below the button to launch ETS2/ATS MP. Said button will be a VR Button which supports current VR Versions, And since game says it crashed when you try to launch it for VR. It will just say that if you try to launch the normal one if you are in the VR Version.
Button launches ets2 and allows you to join only 1 server. OR It can allow you to join EU2, But you will just not be able to see any newly added stuff that got added in the latest version.
Please read this. Don’t just skip through.
Take this into consideration.
Since there’s already stuff being worked on, It’s understandable that this might take a few years.
Thank you.