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Veteran Driver VII
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About Spammie

  • Birthday 02/19/1991

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Gaming, Anime, Wrestling
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Sacramento
  • EU Garage Location
    Slovakia: Bratislava

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  1. Can't login to official mp website ... but I can on the forums from Microsoft edge ... wtf

  2. WTF did this guy do lol ? This guy is literally "A" latter :D

    1. FirestarteR93


      That's why pilots shouldn't drive a truck

  3. Yo guys is there a way to get rid of bloom in MP with hdr fix or some setting ?

  4. Here is dope timelapse, music links in description available for download starting this episode :

  5. I have seen a option for friends color but my question is how in the hell you add someone on friendlist ? and how it works in game ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. John [RO]

      John [RO]

      Steam friends appear in green on the game's map. Everyone else appear as blue.

    3. Spammie


      cool thanks peps :D

    4. Mari'
  6. Use mouse steering its so good. Here is a timelapse in which I drive with mouse, just drop the dpi to 200 and sensitivity to 5% in game. Timelapse #1 Timelapse #2
  7. Does anyone know how much usually takes for someone to look on a ban report on the website ? I reported this guy : http://plays.tv/s/KgiLilVGfab1

    1. heyhococo


      It'll normally take between a few minutes to a few day max. Admins aren't always online, so you'll just have to wait a while. ;)

    2. Darth Wazawai

      Darth Wazawai

      My ban request took 2 days, really depends on backlog too

    3. Spammie
  8. [R.D.Trucking]NL members overtaking on very dangerous areas, please stop doing that, especially if someone might come from oposite direction : http://plays.tv/video/56c84e538bf57c0559

  9. When yo trailer is too big for gas station : http://plays.tv/s/KgTUFo3zYcbE but really don't do this in populated ares, I simply did it for the vine, I mean fun :D

  10. Most people use plays.tv to report people from I see, I think I will use it to showcase people who flip over like some whale in this first clip : http://plays.tv/s/KgS_Y4rSFOh3

  11. New Timalapse for ATS MP LA to Jackpot : https://youtu.be/n9nlyr0eXaE

  12. 2nd Timelapse rendering now(Los Angeles - Jackpot), there were couple of close calls and idiots on the road tho

  13. Made a Timelapse from Winnemucca to San Diego, would be cool if you check it out : https://youtu.be/_q5jkrimZrM

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