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Veteran Driver VII
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  1. Adding trucks is not such a bad idea,you can use them if you like them or not if you don't.It could add variety to the gam having more trucks to choose.Force them replacing other trucks? Bad idea. Maybe in the future, right now i don't this think should be on the high priority list seeing mod's actual state.
  2. They could hire ten thousand admins and stil couldn't do anything if a guy comes, rams you and continue driving normal they couldn't ban him. I don't know if this is the case, if the guy was trolling you for a while then yes, let's burn the admins
  3. Sometimes you can see normal players with the word "admin" in their names and i doubt they are fake, mostly TS admins. Also i've seen moderators trying to lead the traffic,telling people what to do,etc.
  4. Its funny to see how can you drive and watch rain/snow/sun mixed all together, i like it.
  5. When you look at your jobs how much time do they take to expire?
  6. The spawn log would help to know if it was a mod (located in documents/ETS2MP/logs/)
  7. At first i thought it was a mod (i've seen drivers with white,empty or even mixed trailers),but then i started to see way many of them.
  8. I never had any problems in the first place was just telling my experience in case someone comes across a similar problem.
  9. Today after joining the server i noticed that jobs weren't appearing on the freight market.Didn't have to use the console because they got fixed after using the F7+Enter combo. Afterwards i found out that the workers feature was working again (Yay!!). Also noticed that the offer expire date was again normal (20-30 hr) instead of the usual 400 hours i've had the last few weeks.(Guess thats probably the reason drivers were giving me money again since they dont need 400 hours to finish a job)
  10. Each user must download the mod, you are right, just like winter mod. But we wouldn't need the whole mod just the part that involves Europort.(That should weigh much less than the winter mod does) I think this mod would be a great improvement to solve the europort problem that causes so many problems to players and admins. Unfortunately i don't think they would give green lights to somethink like this right now due to the extra work that adds with every update,like crazyforiphone said. They may not approve this yet, but they really should in the future, this is a really good idea.
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