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SgtBreadStick last won the day on October 18 2017

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About SgtBreadStick

  • Birthday January 26

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    Yorkshire, UK
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Community Answers

  1. New update for ModernUI An update is out for ModernUI which adds animations to buttons in menus (except Player list). Another new addition is ModernUI Special Edition! Now available - See it on the main post in this thread. Happy new year everyone
  2.  The Brand New ModernUI Is Here!


    After the new TruckersMP update which changed the UI system on the TAB Menu/Scoreboard/Player List, I have re-designed ModernUI to suit it.


    You can find it below. Thanks everyone for using my UI packs, hope you all enjoy the new one .🙂


    1. PinkNub_


      Thanks for the update! Your work being appreciated! 🩷🩷

    2. Uslanmaz'


      It's Perfect! 🎉

  3. The Brand New ModernUI Is Here! After the new TruckersMP update which changed the UI system on the TAB Menu/Scoreboard/Player List, I have re-designed ModernUI to suit it. The older UI elements are now made to be near-identical the to new Player list interface added in TruckersMP Alpha. Unfortunately due to the new system the TAB Menu cannot be customised at this present time, which has limited the options on what can be achieved with custom interfaces. Because of this I have decided that there isn't much point in creating lots of colour variants as most of the time you will not see it anymore, instead I decided to modify the old UI to match the new one, making a much more unified experience within TruckersMP. I'd like to thank everyone for using my UI Packs and I hope you enjoy the new one.
  4. That's odd, you should have the new player window which doesn't use the UI pack. The other elements like settings and login page still work as normal but the player menu doesn't unfortunately. As an example using my other UI pack, this is what it'd look like.
  5. Well as you may know with the new update to the Player List (TAB Menu), custom UI packs no longer apply to it, including this one. So unfortunately you will only see this UI on the login screen and within the settings page in TruckersMP. While I welcome the new TAB menu and feel it is a massive improvement that has been a long time coming, it is a shame there is no ability to customise it for now. Unfortunately because this UI is a vastly different style to the new TAB menu, it will look quite out of place, so bear that in mind when using this UI Pack. Thanks
  6. Well as you may know with the new update to the Player List (TAB Menu), custom UI packs no longer apply to it, including this one. So unfortunately you will only see this UI on the login screen and within the settings page in TruckersMP. While I welcome the new TAB menu and feel it is a massive improvement that has been a long time coming, it is a shame there is no ability to customise it for now. Luckily this UI is a similar style to the new Player List so it won’t look too out of place for now, except the button colours won’t match. I will be working on an update to ModernUI to match it to the new style which the TAB menu uses. Though unfortunately colour options may disappear unless any changes are made in the future which I do hope can be possible. Thanks everyone
  7. Here's a post about the story and development behind AeroUI, posted on my profile. Hope you all enjoy the new UI pack! https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/profile/80554-sgtbreadstick/&status=329222&type=status
  8. Hey everyone it's been a while 👋

    When I first released ModernUI version 1 back 6 years ago I would've never have expected it to be as popular as it is, and I'd like to thank everyone for using it. Over time I've heard feedback from everyone on and off the forum about it such as adding extra colours and font options, and about having the option to install the UI pack without the .exe installer.


    The past few weeks I've been looking into it all and working on a brand new UI pack called AeroUI !

    While it took a lot more work to do this due to the limitations of TruckersMP's current UI engine, I have been experimenting with different styles to use, instead of sticking to a flat design. I noticed that Aero design started to become popular again and I thought why not use that in TruckersMP? 


    Unfortunately because of these limitations I couldn't get anywhere close to the design I wanted which was inspired by things like Windows 7 and generally the aesthetic of the mid-late 2000s. Shown below is the early design of AeroUI, which you can see had its problems.




    Realising that a light theme was not going to work due to some text being forced white, I had to come up with a different design altogether, so after another while I finally came up with what we have now. Once I completed the main textures I could move onto colour options, and finding suitable colours was mildly difficult because of the shading and not having it look out of place.

    Below you can see all the different options I came up with, I will look at adding more in the future but at the moment there is a decent variety.






    And I can finally announce the release of AeroUI, available to download today! The topic in Custom UI Packs is currently pending approval and will hopefully appear soon. This also has no installer and you simply choose what colour you want and if you want a different font you can choose an add-on pack available on the same link.


    Download AeroUI here


    Once again thank you everyone for using ModernUI, I won't be giving up on ModernUI as I will still update it in the future.


  9. AeroUI for TruckersMP __________________ Bored of the same flat design used everywhere? Look no further! AeroUI is a new and old take on TruckersMP using a very familiar design of Aero. Like ModernUI there are multiple colour variations with optional add-on packs for extra customisability. Download Here No installer required, just visit the download page and choose your colour! Previews of other colour variants available on download page* Fonts Used Noto Sans (Regular/Medium/Bold/Italic) - Arial (Bold)- Comic Sans MS Made for MP Version DUE TO THE NEW PLAYER LIST UPDATE. THE UI MAY LOOK OUT OF PLACE. DO NOT Redistribute with different download links, you may modify/customise UI, but permission MUST be asked if it was to distributed. You MUST give credit to this post or download page when distributing your own versions.
  10. Happy Birthday Veteran nub❤️

  11. Just a note for everything, the installer will be changing at some point in the future so there will be no more exe, instead a web based configurator that creates a zip with your customisation. There's no estimate when this will happen but i'll keep you posted. I would've considered just putting the zips on download but that means i'd have to make roughly 66 zip files for each configuration, and that's just no viable hence the new installer. I've wanted to change the installer for a while because an .exe installer for a few png's and font isn't exactly great and it can look suspicious to some, but it was the only way especially with the amount of variants of ModernUI. But here's a sneak peak of the new configurator. And a video preview too: https://i.sgtbrdstk.xyz/FTP/2023-09-27_00-18-09.mp4
  12. Apologies for that, it's all been fixed now. Thanks for letting me know
  13. Well... It's been a while 👋

    1. L-DR@GO
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Long time no see 929352804907249664.webp?size=96&quality=lossless Welcome back :HaulieLove:

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