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[VIVA] Quad

Veteran Driver VIII
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About [VIVA] Quad

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  1. Happy birthday mate! ❤️


  2. Hello Quad. How are you doing?

  3. We are still looking for intrested developers to help grow the Viva platform! If you would like to apply or have questions click the link above or DM me
  4. Hi everyone, its been a while :)

  5. Calling all PHP and/or C# developers. Help develop the largest private VTC platform, cater to thousands of users, and inovate with the brightest minds on TMP. Learn more at https://www.vivatrucking.com/vivastaff
  6.   4 months ago, we set out to change Viva. Tomorrow... it all comes together 


    1. [VIVA] Night

      [VIVA] Night

      It's Going to be great. Viva has come a long way in 4 years. Couldn't imagine being anywhere else. 

    2. Guest
  7. 6 more days 



  8. Viva's Hazmat Division is FIRE! ?

  9. We are very sadden to annouce the closure of Viva Trucking Nederland (Dutch). You can learn more here: https://www.vivatrucking.com/post/announcing-the-split-of-viva-nederland-from-viva-trucking

  10. There is so much magic going on behind the scenes at Viva, so many surprises in store, so many passionate staff members working so hard to bring our Drivers a bigger and better Viva. We are months away from an exciting new future that we can not wait to share.


    Along with this exciting news that is just around the corner, yesterday, we announced the launch of Vivas public CC! For VTCs and event organizations that need the peace of mind of highly skilled convoy control professionals, look no further than Viva CC. Learn more or request Viva CC today at https://www.vivatrucking.com/convoycontrol


  11. It's Starwars day ?

  12. Omg it's bae's Birthday. Happy Bday ?

  13. A lot of people talk about how our Drivers can't drive on the road, but I can ensure you that we train our Drivers to the highest standards. Just watch our training video: 


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