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Veteran Driver VI
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About u2020bullet

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    Serbian; English

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  1. Will definitely be trying that, unfortunately i completely forgot that my profile is currently running on 1.37 and i haven't backed it up. Which now means that to use it, i have to wait for the servers to support it.
  2. @Timmy TV It would seem you misunderstood my question and simply made a copy/paste reply. I'm not asking whether i can drive the truck on the server, i know for a fact i can't. I'm asking if i can keep the truck in my profile and still have functional MP if i simply drive vanilla trucks in MP, and keep the K100 for use in SP exclusively. @Mystere So does that mean i can have the mod installed for use in SP and just switch over to MP in a vanilla truck?
  3. Tried searching but couldn't find the specific situation. So i'm looking at a K100E for ATS, and i wanna use it on my profile, and really don't feel like having 2 profiles since it's just double the work to get any progress. So if i get this truck mod, will i be able to play MP if i'm not using it? Basically leaving it in a garage and using a vanilla truck when i connect, and then just use the K100E when i'm playing offline? Sorry if it's a dumb question, i'm a newbie when it comes to modding this game.
  4. Armonk, sorry to bother you, can you tell me where i can send player reports? Couldn't report him in-game cause he rammed me and took off so i didn't have time as i was on the highway.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. u2020bullet


      Says "ID could not be found". But i have him clear as day on video.  Switch to 1:30 to see him directly.


    3. Trucking Gekco

      Trucking Gekco

      His ID is his TruckersMP ID, using the player search on the TMP website his TMP ID 1698106. Enter that for the ID instead of 167 which I assume you might be using. 

    4. u2020bullet


      I was using his name. Sorry for the confusion, haven't played MP in quite a while and kinda forgot most things. Again, i apologise and thank you.

  5. So he hasn't played in a while and doesn't remember his password and the reset e-mail doesn't seem to be arriving to his inbox. Is there anyone he can contact to sort this out?
  6. u2020bullet


    The only states that are currently in the game are California and Nevada which are unlocked by default.
  7. Next time read the posts above before posting please.
  8. Wait for MP to update.
  9. I see the convoy server is opened. Are there plans for another event perhaps? Would really like to participate.
  10. Try verifying the game files on Steam. Sounds like something got corrupted. Did you change anything about your computer before it all started going black? Or installed anything?
  11. And definitely don't mention it on the SCS forums or you'll get an insta ban, even if you were using it as a demo.
  12. One question for the OP if i may (that is up to the moderators). How many drivers do you have hired? For example i only have 1 driver and when i log in (which is every few hours to drive a few routes) i only get 3-4k dollars. I have never encountered the "getting millions" bug.
  13. Wrong forum. You're looking for the SCS forums, not this. This is for the multiplayer MOD.
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