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Veteran Driver III
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About Soldierus

  • Birthday December 7

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    New Zealand
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  1. Here's a video I recorded of this super fun convoy rolling towards Roscoff. It was getting late for me so in my tiredness I forgot to finally buy DLC Krone... whoops. Kind of ruins the immersion - but oh well!
  2. Happy Birthday :) My best wishes ;)

  3. I asked around in game for a bit. The "fix" seems to be sleeping after every few jobs. They start popping back up after that.
  4. So I know that sometimes when you come into Multiplayer you will have no jobs and you do the economy reset. So I do the reset, come into game, and set it back to "0" and I've got a bunch of jobs, but after a few hours in game time they all disappear when they expire until I have to reset the economy again. This is annoying because it resets me back to my home city every time and I'm not rich enough to buy garages and just quick teleport back. Is there a fix for this? Playing ATS-MP
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