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Mr. Lord Gabe

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Mr. Lord Gabe

  • Birthday 11/28/2002

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hungary, Balatonfüred
  • Interests
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Slovakia: Bratislava

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  1. Well, to be honest, my current pc is a modified old dell pc : CPU: Intel Core 2 duo E8400 (Don't laugh) VGA: AMD Radeon HD7770 1 gb GDDR5 RAM: 4gb DDR2 PSU: Cooler Master 600w around 50 fps alone/ 5-6 fps in rotterdam (80 ppl) on 1366 x 768 resolution HDD: WD 500 GB sata3 But around september, i'll get a new pc: CPU: Intel I5 6600 (the strongest new Skylake I5) VGA: NVidia GTX 950 2gb RAM: 2x Kingston 8gb DDR4=16 gb DDR4 The PSU, the HDD and the monitor will be the same (i hope I'll get at least 35-40 FPS on rotterdam)

    When you have been overtaked :lol::lol:


    1. FirestarteR93


      Looks like EU2

  3. what should i do if i'm getting this message after updating to




    1. Creatured


      run as admin

  4. How can i activate a mod to work in MP? that mod should work in Mp http://mods.wotmp.com/mod/100-ton-volvo-cekici-tasiyici.html 

    1. Subtle [HKG]

      Subtle [HKG]

      First, go into SP and get the trailer, have a save, then go back to MP, everything should works now:)

    2. Mr. Lord Gabe

      Mr. Lord Gabe

      oh, thank you very much

  5. Hi everybody! As you can see, the ETS2 and ATS had an update. If you want to play with the game, you have to downgrade ETS2(and ATS) for the temporary_1.22 I think this is the reason why there are less people in the server

    1. heyhococo


      Good to know.



      Oh, excuse me, I have a bad cough. (cough) (cough)

      Do excuse me, I do have a bad cough today. :)

    2. omgomgguyguy


      Then when do we have the update for the latest version?


  6. Does any custom paintjobs allowed like this http://ets2.lt/en/volvo-fh16-2012-crysis-3-skin-v-2-0/ ??

    1. Half Blood Prince

      Half Blood Prince

      But BF4 skins  work.

    2. Forerunner


      no, but you can take skins from other trucks and use them on a Volvo for MP (stock repaints that is)

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