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Veteran Driver V
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About Vargur

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  • EU Garage Location
    Switzerland: Bern

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  1. How about making a northern Germany-BENELUX route allowed so you don't have to take the much longer way around?
  2. It would only be easier and you'd be less prone to accidents for typing whiling driving if the list would be sortable - by ID, by name, by company name etc. And right now it's not.
  3. Well nobody can overtake in cities with that limit, period.
  4. You could always disable it. I have, it was blinding during the night however I set the graphical settings.
  5. Mod Version: ?? Controllers Used: Keyboard+mouse Description of Issue: Displayed distance of the player in the screenshot. How to reproduce: Play the game, exact location Screenshots / Videos: https://image.prntscr.com/image/-Ax16XWRToKKD_LllvJfag.jpeg
  6. I believe a huge chunk of the convoy got lost.
  7. Are we using some VoIP or in-game "voice"?
  8. Signing up.
  9. Confirming it worked.
  10. This is not my account, this one should be https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/profile/78259-vargur/ Same name. Is it related to this mail?
  11. I get unsupported version now.. what? It worked earlier. yeah, what the above said.
  12. So someone was yammering about screenshots, these are all of mine, from the convoy: http://www.2shared.com/file/QEKcpKWc/atsconvoy14022016_vargurpov.html I guess only 2-3 are of any use: http://imgur.com/a/wFMAk
  13. This is gonna be massive.
  14. ^Next time I'll make you wait 10 mins, not because I want to, but because I'm bad/slow at skilled parking. Have fun, enjoy a coffee or 10.
  15. Vargur

    ATS EU2

    Ok, thanks. Saw no news for it, and EU1 is horrible with the artificial limiter.
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