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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Krym

  1. You won't see me this time next year....... or the year after that..... or the year after that...... but in 2020 you will :) #LeapYear

  2. The forum is looking pretty dam fine guys!

  3. I've been installing GTA V overnight... I wonder if it will be done for when I get home...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Krym


      Im leaving work now! XD The only way to find out if it's done, is to find out if it's done!!!

    3. FirestarteR93
    4. RadioactivePotato


      it will be done in soon™

  4. Just beat an ATSMP Record!

    1. heyhococo


      Good on you lad! xD

  5. #Fatality

    1. TrademarkGamer


      Trust Krym to get there first xD

  6. If you have the latest version of both multiplayer and singleplayer then you should be fine. The game updated and so multiplayer was down until the port was finished.
  7. Maybe you tries to log in with a restricted name including profanity or other offensive words. Try changing your name and trying again.
  8. 45 Minutes left at work... someone come and save me???

  9. Krym


    -1 Because the server has no "control" of your profile, it cant physically give you "compensation" because of a troll/reckless driver etc. This unfortunately is just one of the risks of playing a mulitplayer game when YOU have to pay for your expenses.... All you can do is prevent it from happening again by recording when you play, and reporting anything that happens to you in multiplayer such as being rammed.
  10. -1 What you're saying is basically there should be one server that is basically un-administrated for trolls to go in and troll eachother? I think this is a bad idea... especially if you get a couple day ban that was a genuine one off mistake, it then means you cant connect to the "normal" servers again... I disagree with this...
  11. Just need now for the W900 . Cant Wait!
  12. Enjoy singleplayer everyone.... everyone on MP enjoy quiet servers for a change!

  13. When People Think They're Driving In Need For Speed Instead of American Truck Simulator

  14. Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend this convoy, but judging by the screenshots and videos... it looked like a great time and a great way to celebrate the amazing work the TruckersMP team have done to enable everyone to not just play our favourite simulator games, but play them together.
  15. ^ Hopefully there will be some mods for the multiplayer that use only the base game code like what people did with the ETS2MP mods above. It will be "interesting" to see hybrid trucks on ATSMP
  16. -1 I disagree with this suggestion because the edge of the NCZ would always have trucks sat on it and like the above post by Noraf says, there would be flying trucks everywhere...
  17. ^^ you can play x32 bit in single player but not MP. ^putting your email address into a post breaks the following rule "That contain any personal information of other users, this includes addresses, phone numbers etc." You should probably consider editing your previous post
  18. The only suggestion i could give is loading an autosave before this. However you will lose any progress you've made between your last auto save and that quick save...
  19. ^i think he's trying to suggest that the F6+Enter function should request you to stop your truck before you can use that function. In a similar way F1 to pause doesn't work while your truck is moving. I think that this is a good idea, however this only affects people using a keyboard to steer. Using a controller / wheel prevents this.
  20. ^You got it! Awesome.... I'll make sure to tune in
  21. All bugs should be reported here: https://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/forum/7-bug-reports/ make sure you use the correct bug reporting format supplied
  22. i'll make sure to tune in. By the way chjl, check the URL there^ i think you might have included the "which" by mistake
  23. Krym

    ATS EU3 Server Size

    I was going more along the lines of what i said in my last reply, i think there should be one server that has a slightly smaller player count to allow for less congestion in the cities etc. Maybe until there is support for Arizona when it is released. maybe adding another server and having 2x 2000 player servers and 2x 1500 player servers. That way there is more space across the whole mp for everyone and there are smaller servers for people who dont want the lag and the congestion in the towns/cities.
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