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Status Updates posted by Replay__

  1. Thanks for the follow Buddy much appreciated ?❤️ 

  2. Thanks for the follow buddy much appreciated  ?

    1. Seddon


      No worries mate 

  3. GNAAS Staff ready for there event on sunday hope to see you all there. Server opens at 11am. Truckfest starts at 12pm and convoy starts at 1pm






    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Red Hot Pepper
    3. Replay__


      doesnt start till sunday @Lena'you should totally come along, your guys do have a slot to it too 


    4. .Pedro.
  4. Congrats at become a GM you will do a epic job ?❤️ 

    1. ReacherK


      Thank you Replay__ ?

  5. hey Emre welcome to  the forums buddy.

  6. Out for a leisurely drive with the crew tonight.





  7. Thanks for the follow danny appreciate it buddy ? ❤️ 

  8. Congrats buddy, well deserved mate ❤️❤️ 

    1. WarSniperr


      Thank you mate! ❤️

  9.                                         BVAR Trucking Support The Great North Air Ambulance.

    BVAR Trucking's CEO out on the roads of Euro Truck Simulator 2 Singleplayer showing there support to The Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS). On the 23rd May 2021 we will be hosting a 3 route charity to support these amazing guys and all air ambulances across the country. If you want more info check out our TMP Link, and come along to the event on that day it will be great to see u there.



    Thanks again for those of you that have already supported the charity we have raised £295 so far and the event is only 2 week away.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Replay__


      They are a charity that is really close to my heart ❤️


    3. Replay__


      ofc u can u just need to sign up on our tmp link. ?


  10. Thanks for the follow buddy much appreciated. ❤️❤️ 

  11.                                                      BVAR Trucking Official Weekly VTC Convoy

    BVAR Trucking attended another one of their official weekly VTC convoys last night would like to give a special thanks to @EireAgriCEOfor coming along and bringing his guys along to the convoy too was an epic turnout from both communities here are a couple of pics from last night's convoy hope you guys like them.




    Thanks again for another great convoy if you wish to check us out and maybe join a convoy or 2 feel free to join our discord https://discord.gg/bvartrucking and you will get all notification of when we do them, and you never know maybe you could feature in some of these pictures.

  12.                                             BVAR Trucking Official Weekly VTC Convoy

    BVAR Trucking VTC attended there official weekly VTC convoy, would just like to say a massive thank you to all that attended the convoy it was anther great convoy. If there are people that are interested in joining the convoy feel free to join in every Sunday. And a pic from the new 1.40 update.




    Loving the new graphics keep up the great work TMP.

  13. Thanks for the follow buddy much appreciated ❤️❤️ 

    1. AABattery


      You're welcome ?


  14. Thanks for the follow much appreciated buddy ❤️ 


    Kind Regards


    1. PinkNub_


      Thank you! aswell? You are welcome buddy

  15.                                                                                   Save The Planet 2021

    Would just like to say a massive GG's to @Geology Rocks for such an amazing event as always keep up the great work really enjoyed being apart of the CC Team this year and also supporting a few BVAR Trucking driver. #bestcommunityever #bethebestbebvar #teambvartrucking


    Here are a couple of pics from today's event:



  16. Good morning Forums, how are we all this fine Wednesday morning, what are we all up to today.

    1. Sim 1

      Sim 1

      Doing Good Mr Replay and you

    2. WarSniperr
  17. thanks for the follow much appreciated buddy ❤️



  18. Thanks for the follow cookie much appreciated

  19.                            BVAR Trucking Attends Forza Log 1 Year Anniversary

    Myself along with a few other members from BVAR Trucking are lined up at the end of Forza's Logistics 1 Year Anniversary, would just like to say a massive thanks to Forza for inviting us to there event, and also to my driver come to every single event whether that be for charity or for a birthday event like this one.


    BVAR Trucking VTC





    1. TheFlynner


      Amazing! thanks for coming ?

    2. Replay__


      Thanks for inviting us buddy, was good to be apart of it. 


    3. jeza1


      Glad you enjoyed the event ?

  20.                                                                                   BVAR Trucking Friendly Drive

    Tonight a few members went out on a friendly drive, thanks to all that made it to the very end much appreciated. (Special thanks to Adnap and Tommyfresh.) Who are both in this picture below appreciate you guys sticking with me to the very end. If there is anyone that would like join us on these friendly drives then you guys are more than welcome.


  21. Cheers for the follow buddy ? 

  22.                                                                                   BVAR Trucking Attends Tango Transport 5 Year Anniversary

    Just want to say a massive thanks to all the driver that got together and attended not one but two event this event one of which was the Tango Transport 5 Year Anniversary, will say i thoroughly enjoyed it. Here is a pic we took at truckfest for that event thanks to all that made this possible #bethebestbebvar #teambvartrucking


    1. Replay__


      Great job tango transport keep up the great work. ?

    2. wesleyr99
  23.                                                                                   BVAR Trucking Friendly Drive

    Just wanna say a massive thanks to all member that came to  the friendly drive tonight BVAR Trucking is getting bigger by the day 104 drivers absolutely crazy, really love my team. Here are a few pics from tonight's drive. Great variety of different trucks here. #bethebestbebvar #teambvartrucking.



  24. Abi thanks for the follow appreciate it ?


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