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Veteran Driver VII
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About twitch.tv/imjc69

  • Birthday July 10

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Costa Rica
  • Interests
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Oregon: Portland
  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Ancona
  • Known languages
    spanish, english

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  1. Estoy feliz de regresar por acá - I'm happy to come back here?

  2. Good morning friends, I hope you have an excellent start to the week:wub::wub:

  3. if it is allowed because they are pieces that do not create conflicts, it is also not creating hitboxes that affect other drivers I also add that I asked the same question to a TMP staff member and he told me if it is allowed. Greetings and I hope my answer will help you.
  4. good morning TMP friends have a great Friday and a good start to the weekend:wub:

  5. Today we are anniversary, 2 years of being part of TMP



  6. Good afternoon TMP I hope you have an excellent week and have a good start at the same time, greetings from Costa Rica.:wub::wow::tmp:

  7. exacto yo tambien lo estoy usando soy de Costa Rica y pues me gustan esos tipos de mapas
  8. que mapa creen mejor el de promods o el de México extremo y por qué?
  9. good afternoon TMP friends:D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. twitch.tv/imjc69


      I hope you have an excellent Sunday friend

    3. Cloofter


      yes. how are you?

    4. twitch.tv/imjc69


      Excellent for this reason I am doing some work to then go driving on Mexican or American roads I still have not decided haha:wow::tmp:

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