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Veteran Driver VII
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About jonathan4567

  • Birthday 07/18/1998

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Trains, shooter games and simulator games
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London

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  1. Hello @Demasoka If you need any help upgrading your PC from 32-bit to 64-bit, please follow the link below. http://www.howtogeek.com/228042/how-to-switch-from-32-bit-windows-10-to-64-bit-windows-10/ 64-bit will be needed if you wish to play TruckersMP
  2. Have you tried waiting a bit longer when choosing a destination? This happens to me. When I choose a destination on the ferry menu, it freezes for a while but then comes back again. I usually have to wait around a minute or two for it to load, So give it a couple more minutes to load and hopefully the game should come back and proceed. Hope this helps!
  3. I would recommend completely re-installing TruckersMP, there might be some corrupt or missing files. You can do this by going to Start > Computer/This PC > Your Local Disk > Program Files and then the TruckersMP file, delete this. After you have deleted the TruckersMP file, you can download it again from the TruckersMP website. Hope this helps
  4. @MadniXTV Do you have a 64-bit computer? TruckersMP only supports computers which are 64-bit, not 32-bit.
  5. Many have received this e-mail, including myself. The only action required on your part is to change your password No need to worry!
  6. Please also make sure that you enable winter mod in ETS2MP's menu. You can do this by clicking TAB, then right-clicking your mouse to enable the mouse cursor, clicking Settings (which is the one at the very bottom left of the menu) and then going to Mods. I'm not sure whether it is still there or not, but make sure 'Enable Winter Mod' is ticked.
  7. Hello @wingnut019, When I look at your Steam profile, it says that you have not set up your Steam Community profile yet, which means that no-one can tell whether you own ATS and whether you have over 2 hours of gameplay or not. I would suggest that you set-up your Steam profile by clicking the 'Community' button which is found on the Steam Library. Right-click Steam from your taskbar (bottom right hand corner of your computer screen), click 'Library' and then click 'Community' where it should take you to edit your profile. Then when your profile has been set-up, try linking ATS again. I hope this helps!
  8. Hello, You can also try verifying the game cache, which makes sure that any missing files are downloaded and installed. You can do this by going to your Steam Library, right-clicking Euro Truck Simulator 2 and then clicking Properties. From the Properties menu, go to the 'Local Files' tab and then click 'Verify integrity of game cache'. Once clicked, it may take several minutes to complete. Once it says all files have been validated, try running Euro Truck Simulator 2 again. I hope this helps
  9. Hello, Are you running the TruckersMP installer as administrator? (Right-click the installer and then 'Run as administrator'). It is always best to run the installer as administrator (even if you are the administrator) as it makes sure everything is installed correctly. I hope this helps
  10. Also, if your mic has a mute button, make sure this is unmuted. You may not have one, but I have made this mistake many times! You can also use the sound setting to make sure your mic is fully working. Recording Devices > Right-click the microphone you are using > Properties and then Levels. Make sure this is on and unmuted. Also, under the General tab, click Properties, Driver and check that there aren't any new updates for the mic. I hope this helps
  11. We already have a server with a speed limiter which is EU#1. And If a driver was too reach a high speed and cause a crash or race against other players they would probably get banned. And like everyone else has said, because there is no speed limiter on EU#2, it's the reason why I play on it. -1
  12. Please make sure that you have selected ''temporary_1_22 - 1.22x for incompatible mods'' under Euro Truck Simulator 2 betas. Also check that when you have closed the Properties tab that you can see a progress bar near the middle bottom of Steam which should say 'Downloading 1 item'. It will also say in the Games section under Euro Truck Simulator 2, which will also show you the download progress. If you can't see downloading or any progress, go to betas, opt out and then opt in again to temporary 1.22. I hope this helps
  13. If you want to jump straight into TruckersMP, I would recommend what FirestarteR93 has posted as I believe quick jobs can be fault where your job is either always late or can't find any jobs. So I'd personally recommend to make a separate profile for TruckersMP since then you can jump straight into the game. With the profiles already having money and experience with them, you can easily buy a new truck and get staff. Profiles that already has money and drivers and also posted above by FirestarteR93 - ATS: ETS2:
  14. Hello, ETS2 was updated to 1.23 yesterday and therefore you need to downgrade your game to continue playing ETS2MP. Follow this guide and the current version TruckersMP supports is (which can be found in the drop down list). Support for 1.23 will be out soon
  15. Hello, Firstly, please make sure that your friend has ALL of his Single-Player mods disabled when launching MP as mods are not supported in the MP version of ETS2. You can do this via the Mod Manager which can be accessed from the Launchpad (when you launch ETS2) I hope this helps!
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