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Veteran Driver VII
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About costirs

  • Birthday 10/01/1994

Profile Information

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Berlin

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    Lowforce Trucks

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  1. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

    1. Mogebear


      Ob er wohl antworten wird? kisspng-dota-2-forsen-twitch-emote-kappa-pug-5abf807c4249a2.1513494915224997082715.png?ex=651a7a10&is=65192890&hm=24fcb78fb9c5fd08425a092afeb3d4570895570dba92faaeebce0d9bc731ef3e&  image.png.9b797c0f47b6cdff7cd0ff7b40c69091.png


      Trotzdem auch von mir alles gute 🎁

    2. Tximx
  2. Done, now i can connect to the ETS2MP server, but i can't connect to WoT.
  3. Yes, i will give an answer, in just 2-3 hours
  4. Is a possibility to be from Scandinavia dlc?
  5. Yes it's allowed. At home, i play on wireless, here at university i use cable and it's another provider.
  6. Hy guy's, I have a problem with my ETS2MP. I can't connect to any server. Today i played on multiplayer, than disconnected and after 5-6hours, when i want to play, it say's this. Today i installed Scandinavia DLC with some paintjobs and cargo pack, bought from Steam. I reinstalled the MP Mod and nothing.
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