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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Arcticwolfs

  1. Good morning all how is everyone?

  2. Good afternoon people.

  3. Morning all.

    1. Interstate Nomad

      Interstate Nomad

      Good morning, @Arcticwolfs ?

      Have a good day.

    2. Arcticwolfs


      I am having a good day so far super tired tho.

  4. Good morning all. Hope you all have a good day. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HENGYA


      We're here at 5:07 p.m. and my time zone is UTC+8?

    3. Pauito


      lol In my city it's 11:09 AM

    4. Arcticwolfs
  5. Good afternoon people.

  6. Thank you for the follow.

    1. Cary_TMP


      You're welcome. Have a good time

    2. Arcticwolfs
  7. Going to bed shortly. 

    1. Guest


      good night

  8. Did a trip to scotland on truckersmp ets2 pro mods server  staying in scotland over night.  Then off to iceland on my next multi drop tomorrow 

  9. Thank you for the follow.

  10. Went to the fair went on dodgems and dia few P.I.T maneuvers  

  11. Good Morning all.

    1. Nicolasete


      Good morning, Arcticwolfs ?

    2. Shadel


      Good Morning. 

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