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Veteran Driver VII
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About Jack_NL

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  • Interests
    Virtual Trucking, Virtual Racing
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  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Groningen

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  1. for mod version problems don't thank me thank {TDOO)OtO
  2. That did the trick! thanks!!
  3. Noticed this also normal the mod is 40+ mb + I get invalid mod version error saying I need which I just installed Name of the file is launcher_1001.zip not client_21036.zip as the older versions were named
  4. Thanks for all the hard work you guy's do for us in your free time !! People better donate then demand for the great times we already have in Multiplayer thanks to this Free mod !! No problems (incorrect version) here with the new update for me see ya online Edit: There I did it again!
  5. thanks guy's and just to report no problems here loading the game
  6. Thanks a lot guy's MP in ETS2 is still so great !
  7. G25 / G27 (ik heb een G25) De G25 vind je voor €100 op marktplaats Door de versnellingsbak die beide stuurtjes hebben is het zelf schakelen met een H splitter bak in ETS2 fantastisch G25 Is het zelfde stuur met ook 3 pedalenset 900 graden rotation en zelfs sequential shifting wat niet meer op de G27 zit wat er anders is dan de G27 is de verbeterde tandwiel overbrenging in het stuur (waardoor stiller) en 6 knoppen op het stuur ipv 2 op de G25 een verbeterde versnellingsbak mechanisme http://www.nogripracing.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1686657 hier een bevinding posting 4 is goed om te lezen
  8. Jack_NL

    My playseat

    Nice Rigs!! b and on my G25 I have wireless PS3 mini keyboard
  9. Jack_NL

    0.1.1 Alpha

    Thank youuuuu !! Great to see that the traffics light are controlled much better ! no more long waiting love it (oh read on the forum they are not synched yet, glad I didn't rammed someone / got rammed yet) Great job guy's btw Is it possible yet to send a donation when not having a CC or Paypal?
  10. Could the Christmas paint jobs be the 12 mb update Steam downloaded today ?
  11. arrived @18-11 in the Spam box just seen it and activated now..
  12. I hope they make it not working when on a parkingplace at a reststop or parked at a gasstation etc that would really a shame and not at all a truck sim as they want it to be
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