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Veteran Driver VII
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About ArcticBliss

  • Birthday 06/12/1968

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  1. happy birthday 🥳❤️ 

  2. Ok, I updated the client again at 17:52 CET and managed to log in succesfully on EU#1.
  3. Hmm, the client just had an update but it produces the same error as before.
  4. Very nice update, we'll look forward to support for the Schwarzmüller DLC.
  5. Very nice, not everyone drives with all windows open.
  6. What? I could think of other nationalities I could do without.
  7. Faern, it's the API that does not recognize the situation.
  8. http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/5-bug-report-format-must-be-followed/
  9. Just chiming in here, I've seen that too and the same goes for some of my friends. There doesn't seem to be any ill effects per se, but if you´re in a bad situation that need reporting such a name clutter would do little to help. OT: Liara.
  10. There's the EU#2 server for that.
  11. Ja, det er det faktisk.
  12. Jeg kan da lige give lyd fra mig. Jeg er godt nok fra de mere arktiske egne af rigsfællesskabet, men har boet her sydpå i mange år.
  13. Still no dice. Still gets validation error after getting the "latest r3". Maybe the validation servers (?) are overloaded? Cheers.
  14. It still says "r3" on the main page though?
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