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Veteran Driver VII
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About FedeE656

  • Birthday 10/30/2002

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Turin, Italy
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Torino
  • Known languages
    English; Italian

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  1.  new ETS2 update has been relased. It doesn't seem to work with the current version of TruckersMP, and you can't downgrade. If you want to play ETS2MP, DON'T UPDATE!!

  2. Why a lot of players in EU2 server are freezed? What's happening?

    1. F.Maynard


      same here, overload.

    2. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      It may cause by your internet. Try to restart game and internet :) 

  3. Please, can some admin go to the Santa Cruz - Santa Maria road? No admins, all players overtake and ramming, nobody claim a report.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FedeE656


      Yes, I have a video of 1 hour and a half... But I should to make 15-20 reports, i can do max 13 reports.

    3. Guest


      Well, you must decide which ones are more worth it.

    4. Matt #CarLadMatt

      Matt #CarLadMatt

      Hello @Federasco
      Our team of Game Moderators are available to deal with in-game reports when they can.
      They will try to deal with your website reports as soon as they can, however there are a lot so you I am afraid that you will just need to be patient. 

      Best Regards
      ^ Matt #CarLadMatt
      TruckersMP Community Moderator

  4. We're still waiting an update on ATSMP

    1. DJ_Sukoi


      Dont get your hopes up, ive already been hissed at for speaking fact about the issue. 
      Some people cant help but ignore the truth. 

  5. I think that the ATS event it's a good start to revive the game:)

    1. IpilkAlaus


      Absolutely. Hopefully the MP servers will be much more active too

    2. BarryGB


      Well I think it'll only be busy for the duration of the event. 

      I don't think it will 'revive' the game :(

  6. twitch.tv/lezzoblack

    let's catch someone who can't drive!

  7. thanks, I finally don't have to look at miles away from the crossroads
  8. Very nice, but be careful; southern Italy and Liguria (Genoa) rarely sees snow
  9. Live!!


    Now I'm in Le Mans, going to Calais

  10. OMG 10000 PEOPLE :wacko:

  11. I have been reported yesterday, and now I'm banned. I've reported 23 players from 22th to 28th, and only 3 of them were seen. Why?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FedeE656


      @spider.r0ot2 I did that because there was an accident, and my friend went to Duisburg, because he couldn't stop. He was about 6/7 players later, and I wanted to stay with him

    3. Folriden


      "I wanted to stay with him"...Bravo!

    4. spider.r0ot2


      Congratulations :)
      You made it!


  12. I have 18 reports awaiting review. The oldest is 96 hours ago. When will it take?

    1. Smoky


      It can take some time, there are a lot of reports at the moment. An admin will review it as soon as possible.



  13. Nice work in game last evening, admins. Keep it up!

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