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What steering wheel have you got? I have a Logitech G25. Some of you may not even have a steering wheel, but have mouse steering, keyboard or a joystick! Well you can still tell me what brand you use! Hope I see a lot of replies
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I am also getting a proper cpu desk and getting a el gato card for streaming my xbox one and ps4 gaming also
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@lxl Semper lxl That looks really good
@VPC Logistics - Omer - COO Its only the beginning that pc you see there I just built and is brand new I-core 7700k 4.2ghz 500 ssd Samsung evo 850 nviadia gtx 1060 6 gig rox strix gaming card and corsair 55 water cooler and 16 gig corsair vengeance lpx ram
this is gonna be my haven for a good few years
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