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Teo Camionagiul

Veteran Driver III
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About Teo Camionagiul

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  1. on europe server its not working , only Hong Kong and America!
  2. he sent the ticket and I told the team to give reset the rooter! He gave reset the rooter and everything goes to between servers in Europe! He can only play on servers in America and Hong Kong! Why is this happening?
  3. He tried all the methods you've told me, and just as she says: Can not connect to the server! What can he do? American server goes in! Why not go to Europe? !
  4. it is connected to the Internet through cable, not wifi!
  5. I do not understand what you mean .. you can be more specific please?
  6. he have more 2 hours , and its not working !
  7. Hi all ! a friend and bought the game when reductions on steam! He made his account on World Of Truck and TruckerMP and gave account of steam link to check if the game is purchased! Launcher multiplayer downloaded and entered the account who made it and went on TruckerMP servers! The problem is that on any server that gave him the error: Can not connect to server, it May be caused by your internet connection. He is connected to the internet and email accounts and checked and everything is fine, but not on any server can enter and gives this error! that please help me solve the problem! Thank you
  8. I do not want to play multiplayer me , I want to make foreign contracts to receive the new dlc flags !
  9. It does not work that way, but why not sync the game with my profile wot ? I play more on singleplayer and they go out of the game says it synchronizes , but actually my profile is empty . can you please help me?
  10. hello , I want to do jobs world of truck but my profile is not synchronized with my profile on the world of truck. When you get on the site to take jobs that shows me the link below . I hope you can help me . please http://imgur.com/a/O0HHz This is my wot profle https://www.worldoftrucks.com/en/online_profile.php?id=824242
  11. oh well., thank you so much
  12. Hi guys! how can I get myself Skoda car , I saw some players who ran a Skoda car , and I 'd also like to drive such a car! Thank you!
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