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Trucking Australia

Retired Team Member
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Status Updates posted by Trucking Australia

  1. Hey Truckers! Make sure you have entered into this months TruckersMP giveaway where I am giving away 2 x $20 USD Steam gift cards to go towards your next game or DLC!


    Enter here: https://gleam.io/kjRHD/truckersmp-november-giveaway-20usd-steam-voucher

  2. Keep it classy folks & enjoy the rest of your Sunday!



  3. For those that haven't noticed, I have had a makeover!! I have rebranded myself with a fresh new logo along with some new avatars, signatures and forum banners. Check them out!



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. M.J.


      dammmnnn, I love it!

    3. Trucking Australia

      Trucking Australia

      @csjdv_ May I ask what you don't like about it? Any form of constructive criticism is appreciated :) 

  4. Enjoying some peace and tranquillity in single player with the latest DLC by SCS. Go big or go home!!



    1. doorgapmonsterTTV


      a little tip fill up with fuel before you leave because you cant fit into the country petrol stations 

    2. DerAmpelmann


      @Linfox Owner doorgap You could drop the trailer and then fuel.


      Looking good ;)

    3. doorgapmonsterTTV


      Wont be a good idea for mp

  5. twitch.tv/ truckingaustralia is where you will find myself streaming right now. Will be streaming admin patrols on EU#2 if you want to come and have a look :)

    1. jacoblovekw


      Shouldnt you be out partying?

    2. Trucking Australia

      Trucking Australia

      What better way to be partying than banning people on NYE? :P

    3. jacoblovekw


      Mmmm I couldn't think of anything worse 

  6. Streaming live NOW on Twitch. Go visit at twitch.tv/truckingaustralia and see what it is like from an admin's perspective. There may even be some Christmas carols for you all.


    Merry Christmas Everyone!! :D 

  7. For anyone that has TeamSpeak, I have my own personal TS that everyone is welcome to join. The address is: truckingaustralia.teamspeak3.org


    There is 50 slots so that you can bring all your friends over too, so why don't you come over and check it out! 

    1. thetokebloke


      Cool. Old aussie that's just starting in EST2 so be glad to catch up. Maybe tonight (saturday) I'll jump on an introduce myself.

    2. thetokebloke


      Sry, had something come up. Will try later today.

  8. Good morning everyone, for those wondering why the cannot login, it is due to a bug in the system. So don't panic, it isn't you that doing something wrong, it is just a small bug.


    Thanks for your patience.


    Trucking Australia

    1. SlavaH


      it always used to happen to me before when i had my password saved with google, i just simply had to delete it and type it as normal.

    2. Guest


      @Trucking Australia There has been a guide published by @unn4r to assist users in joining the fourms! :) 


  9. @El1teZombiezHD can't drive apparently :P 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. El1teZombiezHD


      The reason i flipped was because i put the hazards on and accidentally hit "D" at the same time... I should have just got my G27 out and used that

    3. SgtBreadStick
    4. Shovali


      ahahhaahah omg 



  10. A huge congratulations to @HumaneWolf on becoming Vice Project Manager. Wish you all the best mate.

  11. Decided to pull over @Tuxy Fluffyclaws today. Had a nice chat whilst I delt out the fines for his load. :P 


  12. Good morning/afternoon all, 


    As apart of my folio for media studies I have had to do some research into the way the media exaggerates their news stories.


    When you get a spare moment, could you please fill out my survey, it will only take a minute.





    1. [GLI] saeed kamali [CEO]
    2. SlavaH


      What really annoys me about the media especially in england is the constant harassment of stars that just want some privacy sometimes. Also, the phone hacking scandals that they got away with that i dont think was acceptable. I dont know if you know about this, but the newspaper the sun are constantly reporting on paul gascoigne, an ex england football star which is going through rehab for a drinking proble. They constantly harass him and plant things like drink cans and bottles outside his house to make it look like he is failing at rehab which i think is un-acceptable.

    3. bryangullickson


      I could easily go on a massive rant about the American Media and their garbage but for the sake of not leaving a massive wall of text ill keep it to myself

  13. I am now LIVE with ETS2 Single player with Promods 1.10 and RusMap. So drop on by and say G'day at twitch.tv/truckingaustralia


    (I would do an Admin stream but with a ping of 800 when streaming I don't think that's possible)

    1. Trucking Australia
    2. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      XD i use telstera , nbn is not to  good :P  also i am from Australia 

  14. New Logo for Trucking Australia


    Leave your thoughts or suggestions below :) 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nameless Ghoul

      Nameless Ghoul

      Looks good. Love the way the sun beams through the clouds.

    3. Trucking Australia

      Trucking Australia

      @Truckerleo29 I have one of those with the rain too

    4. Leo35


      well it depends which picture better :) sunrise or bad weather 

  15. Good luck to all new moderators who will be joining the team. Wish you all the best

    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      good luck guys , :P lots of hard work  XD 

    2. Hawksfan2102


      And congrats on becoming game administrator bro :D

  16. Enjoying a drive away from everything. Nothing but me & the open road, the way it's meant to be.


    1. Half Blood Prince

      Half Blood Prince

      Hope you will face against zombies and they will eat you .

    2. Trucking Australia

      Trucking Australia

      Ezy fix. I'll run them all over. But I'll leave @El1teZombiezHD to crawl along the road in pain and agony.

    3. El1teZombiezHD


      Thanks... so mean

  17. It's a winter wonderland here in the Adelaide Hills today.


    1. Beefy32659_YT
    2. Trucking Australia

      Trucking Australia

      It's all gone now. Only lasted about 15 mins

  18. Congrats to both @littlefoot_22 & @.::Cheetah::. for being promoted to full support members. Welcome aboard guys!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Creatured


      tbh ur better off asking @Philip1212 because there is the odd chance he will ban everyone

    3. John_24


      Thanks guys,  really means a lot,  my next goal is continuing to help with them tickets and around the community. 

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  19. Congrats to all the TruckersMP Devs and the whole community for all your hard work on getting TruckersMP to 1 Million users!


    Congrats Everyone

    1. Truckerpilot


      1 million users is a great milestone for truckersmp :) and im proud to be apart of that 1 million 

  20. Finally over halfway there. 510 posts and encounting

  21. 998 profile views? Why am I so popular? I mean it's nothing like @MrCreeper's profile views of 48,828 views but 1000 is still impressive IMO.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Truckerpilot


      I say it seems 1,001 is in order kenzworth bring forth the champagne oh and tell my darling wife that A ball is in order for this great festivity :D haha good night bud and congrats on the 1000 profile views  

    3. DiegoLBC1


      You are a celebrity  :lol:

    4.  (Beer O'Clock) SHANE
  22. Evening everyone, go and check out Clarkinator's live stream!!!


    He is Streaming NOW on twitch : twitch.tv/clarkinator

    Hope to see you all there!!

  23. Adelaide Metro Scania K280UB/Custom Coaches CB60 Evo II


    1. jacoblovekw


      Adelaide the place to be haha

  24. Bae :wub:


    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Simulator Experiencer
    3. Trucking Australia

      Trucking Australia

      That's it. I'm starting a bus thread

    4. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      ok mate np , i my self loved seeing the pics i have never seen London buses ect.....  its great  for me to actually get to know the style of the bus 

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