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Bull [NL]

Retired Team Member
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Replies posted by Bull [NL]

  1. Thanks for all the birthday felicitations!

  2. Today marks the day I'm 1 year in the team :check: :troll::tmp::truestory:

  3. This and other skins are almost ready to share with our vtc members. Happy :)


  4. New vid of behind the scenes at Viva Trucking



  5. Viva Trucking's next language division https://www.vivatrucking.com/poccnr.Opening May, 2018! 

  6. congratulations mp with the 2m player :):):):):)

  7. Decided to get the Samsung Galaxy S8 yesterday with Black Friday. I absolutely love it! :lol:

  8. Hi,

    I have purchase ATS and what I do first is to Save edit :troll:

    @[PHT]elot360PL and @LordBenji

    How does it look?


    Would use this combi in MP but it is not allowed to save edit parts on doubles/triples <_<

  9. Time to buy ATS 

    Can someone recommend me DLCs, which I should buy?

    Have a nice Day ^^

  10. Time to buy ATS 

    Can someone recommend me DLCs, which I should buy?

    Have a nice Day ^^

  11. Christmas avatar is here :P

    1. Bull [NL]

      Bull [NL]

      Happy Christmas better too early than too late, nice avatar :D

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

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