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Bull [NL]

Retired Team Member
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Replies posted by Bull [NL]

  1. Always fun to drive around Europe with some friends. Thanks for the drive @Bull [NL] @[VIVA] Zulnicktafte!!!


  2. It is finally the time for me to have a long break from the job I absolutely love. I am leaving my role for quite a while and I wanted to post this to show how much fun I've had since October last year. First of all, I want to say how incredibly friendly the whole staff team and community are. I never expected to make friends at all, but I was completely wrong! I will definitely miss the fun drives and events that I've done along with the many friends I've shared it with. I wanted to create a little photo album of all of my favourite memories I've had over these past months, so I hope you enjoy ;)




    Mentions: (Aka my favourite people <3)


    1. Bull [NL]

      Bull [NL]

      Wish you al the best @Olioak  and hope you will come back.

    2. (See 36 other replies to this status update)

  3. Thank you guys for the fun yesterday ;D @weezy @Bull [NL] y6zjh2I.jpg

  4. An extremely late night "carvoy" from yesterday.


    In no particular order:
    @Bull [NL] @IethaI @TFM DJ ccowie @Bonnm @Keezome @weezy @Aragon @Anriandor and Kap, who seems to be unsearchable





    1. Bull [NL]

      Bull [NL]

      Sorry for my brakes who was driving behind me :)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Congratulations Bull!^_^

  6. Congratulations :D 

  7. Thanks for your follow :troll:

  8. Congratulations Buddy ;) You reached another big step of the way to GM. I wish you all the best!

  9. Congratz! Enjoy your new role!

  10. oi happy birthday buddy

  11. Thxs for follow @Akoa

  12. welcome back 



  13. Congrats Bull!:)

  14. Hey Bull, gefeliciteerd. Veel succes!

  15. Congrats & Good Luck :wub::mlg_doge:

  16. Thanks for the follow buddy :)

  17. Just changed my name & profile pic hope you guys like it because i do:wub:


    -Arctic Wolf 

  18. Thanks for the follow, i got you!

  19. So ya, Viva has an app now cus why not. 



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