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Veteran Driver VII
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About Josh_Plays_

  • Birthday 04/07/2000

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  • Gender
  • Location
    British Columbia, Canada
  • EU Garage Location
    Sweden: Stockholm

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    Trans-Canada Trucking

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  1. Happy birthday! :HaulieLove:

  2. do you have security software installed? cause some softwares prevent ETS2:MP from connecting to the servers. I have Norton 360 and it prevented me from connecting, i had to change some settings in the firewall to allow the game to communicate with the servers.
  3. is it a brand new game that you started? i.e. no owned truck?
  4. yea i agree with your second edit. ive seen a lot of articles on the obs forums and windows 10 forum about OBS not working properly. i dont believe it is a ETS2:MP problem, i believe it is a Windows 10 problem...!
  5. the more you try the better you become! i had troubles parking when i started and now i park in 1-2 tries (usually) it's not possible to add auto-parking because its hard for the servers to handle and causes crashes on other users ends....
  6. Topic: Update's on ALL projects being worked on by ANY team member that will be implemented in game. Suggestion Name: News Updates Suggestion Description: In a short topic in news or something, tell us every project you guys are working on that will be implemented, for example, double trailers and the cop car did not get told to us on the forums, we found out by individual developers youtubes showcasing these new things coming in. Any Example Images: nope... Why Should It Be Added: it would help to keep us more informed and tell us the progress of these projects all in one spot so we dont have thousands of comments of the same question. it would also help to inform people who arent subscribed to these youtube channels of what might be added to the mod! TRANSLATION TO POLISH FOR OUR POLISH FRIENDS. (GOOGLE TRANSLATE, SORRY IF SOME STUFF DOESNT MAKE SENSE) Temat: Aktualizacja na wszelkie projekty opracowywane przez dowolnego członka zespołu, który będzie realizowany w grze. Sugestia Nazwa: Aktualności Aktualizacje Propozycja Opis: W krótkim temacie wiadomości lub coś w, powiedz nam każdy projekt chłopaki pracują na które będą realizowane, na przykład, podwójne przyczepy i samochodu policjant nie dostać powiedział do nas na forum, okazało się, przez poszczególne deweloperzy youtubes wystawiających te nowe rzeczy pochodzących w. Wszelkie obrazy przykładowe: nope ... Dlaczego należy dodać: to pomoże utrzymać nam więcej informacji i powiedzieć nam postęp tych projektów w jednym miejscu wszystkich, więc nie mamy tysiące komentarzy o tej samej kwestii. to również przyczynić się do informowania ludzi, którzy arent abonament na te kanały youtube, co można dodać do moda!
  7. *shiver runs down spine* not another snow mod type deal D: seriously hope it aint like that tho... but the snow mod is also a separate mod you can get for ETS2 SP anyway.. so maybe theres hope!?!? doubt it tho LOL
  8. sounds like a very good idea! but i think the weigh stations are being implemented into ATS and if we begged SCS hard enough they may put them in ETS2.. but for the picking up, refueling, and delivering the tankers i think we'd really need to beg SCS, but it sounds like an awesome idea!
  9. do you think they'd give us a download for the dual trailers for Singleplayer??
  10. Im not entirely sure if this is related to help or not, but I have been really interested in the new dual trailer system the has been shown off recently (shown here by mwl4 & KacaKTV) and i was hoping that we could get a download or something for SP after/before/at-all. I know you've said it will be released into MP after the Scandinavia DLC is released but will it be available for SP at all? Thanks in advance, Josh_Plays_
  11. Good Job you guys! Is the snow shown in the previous post in this update as well?? if so that would be sweeeeeeet!
  12. Great to hear! Super excited to get cameras set up again! Its cause your game version is probably still the demo! Update it to 14.2 and it should work! i had the same problem.
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