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Drogus Maxwell

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Drogus Maxwell


    1. Changas!


      you share your video to the forum. pov: spacer.png

  2. Happy Birthday to 

    [Staff_FTR] Dann


    Dark Lord!








    Ultimate Bully

  3. Happy birthday to Joeallison, Nataliia, Soul Knight, b4NLM0nsterenegy,henzsa and eireluke!

  4. My company (CR England) nominated me for trucker of the month!

  5. Anyone else wonder why you can't repair your truck in your garage? ?

  6. Today is my 1 year anniversary as a real life truck driver! ?

  7. US election is upon us. Please, remember to vote.

  8. Remember, for maximum game enjoyment, always run red light, pass the line of trucks on the left at high speed, and wait until the last second to make the turn right in front of someone else.

  9. It is what it is. If it wasn't what it was, it would be something else and not what it is.

  10. Mods and admins. Please do a better job of reviewing before judging

    1. Aestrial


      Perhaps you can send me a direct message with a little more information on this? It's important to us that decisions are made after proper and fair reviewing, and rest assured that anything to the contrary will be investigated fully.

    2. -Tomukas-


      Dear @Blue Dog


      Talking about such topics on the Forum will not change anything. Please do not disturb the forum with such topics because if you want to petition a complaint about a staff person you can use our system called Feedback.

      You can find a link to our Feedback system here: https://truckersmp.com/feedback


      Thank you so much for your understanding :=)

      //Status update locked.

  11. Get the cheese to sickbay!

  12. When will they learn..?

    1. M6Gaming


      Patience is a virtue. ;)

  13. I like dinosaurs! ^_^

    1. Drogus Maxwell

      Drogus Maxwell

      I have a secret

      Something important to say

      I like dinosaurs!


      My dinosaur haiku

  14. Finally back online after a 2 year absence!

  15. Finally get to play for the first time in over a week! I missed my trucks...

  16. Trying a live stream for the first time at http://www.twitch.tv/blue_d0g check it out and let me know if it's working ok. Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrHarv98


      Yeah its working man :)

    3. Drogus Maxwell

      Drogus Maxwell

      Great! Next time I'll do without the music, don't want to get shut down. I was just using it for test purposes.

    4. MrHarv98


      Get some friends to be Twitch admins to control the chat and music and everything while you do the driving :)

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