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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. and no, u dont take it out
  2. sory double post because of some lag
  3. yes its illegal, but u can turn it off any time any day on every truck and thats what im speaking about and if u want this to be simulator server then u MUST be able to turn it off ingame also (thats reason why its in original game options), thats all what im trying to say here ... but arguing about this is so pointless, most of people dont understand shit and just say they cant drive faster even if they got no clue if they really cant -> they can <- as i said legal or illegal is diferent story. my last post, enough of trying to convince people, kinda hard to translate all this text in english so everyone could understand what i mean so sorry for mistakes- doing my best, seeya
  4. think again then reply ... your limit doesnt mean anything ... RL if u need/want u CAN drive faster than 90 ... even 130 if u want to rofl, BUT if u limit it ingame in a way people cannot drive faster than 90 then its not simulator! there will be most of people who love slow driving and avoiding penalties but there is LOT of us who sometimes want that extra 10 km/h even if it means breaking the law. (in RL ofc u wont do it but anyway u CAN drive how ever fast u wish- if its allowed it is another thing- so ... )
  5. i rofl every time when someone says- trucks dont go over 90, ofc they do when its needed. But this "want to sound PRO in internet" people who dont understand shit about RL trucks is hilarious xD
  6. i didnt say i am doing that, i said- u can - and same have to be in truck simulator! in my eyes simulator must be max close to RL without cheating or anything ... but i see people here love booring slowly passing same trees on straight empty highway. yea ok i agree if it were limited for players like below lvl 15~20 or something so they learn to drive (how much i seen in this game is worlds worst drivers put together in one server ), but not allowing to exceed 90 at all is stupid in my eyes. thats my opinion.
  7. i so agree with you, this is so booring to drive 90 over and over again + this is not even realistic... in RL u can turn off tachograph or use magnet (people who understand something about trucks know what i mean) and drive how fast u wish ... to keep us driving at low speeds ingame is made radars and if u wish to exceed limit, u pay penalty and stop about your freeroam server - if u so want then go and play there, stop being rude and try to send people away from current server only because of suggestion
  8. oh well, sorry for topic name- i have no clue how to change it or delete it. about admin name- i really dont remember it, wasnt paying that much attention to it, was just fast checking if its ban or kick before red message disapears xD + there couldnt been any reports on me, that was my first 20 Km in multiplayer game, i just got truck in singleplayer and came online to do my first job (also i didnt do anything wrong in that 20 km to get reported). well can you please delete this topic as i really got no clue how to change its name, what happend is past and enough of talking about it. thanks
  9. I was kicked when i was slowly passing single truck who was blocking the road and was AFKing. And no, i couldnt connect for like 30 minutes. that wasnt ban, i clearly seen red- KICK, Reason- Reckless Driving. To one who said they are "Specially trained" my answer will be- this one clearly wasnt. That was one nice Admin power abuse... 13y old or not, theres alot of trolls in internet who will do anything to gain power over other people just to feel "cool". but that was just one incident. playing for 2nd day and didnt seen something like that repeating so that may be mistake or something
  10. well i didnt mean to be rude typing in english is hard for me as its not my native language
  11. so, we was sitting in jam for like 3 minutes, truck infront of us didnt move at all, he was afk. i decide to slowly overtake him and then suddently kick! ur joking right??? u let people afk on road and kick players for trying to pass them with reason- reckless driving??? cmon dont accept 13y old admins who just want to use that power button and punish people for nothing... i wont call admin name, i just hope it wont repeat ... okay w/e i will get over it, but i got one question- how long it takes to be able to recconect to game after being kicked?
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