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Veteran Driver IV
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About ahughes3

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  1. Ok, thanks for that TuxyQ. So if I wanted to develop my own tracking application that can track my virtual trucker's job activities and then file this information to a database, the Telemetry data api would allow me to do this yes? I've seen the work on Github regarding it. Not sure how to make use of it but I can probably figure it out with a bit more reading. A question though, how would I connect a tracker application to the game? i.e. how would the tracker physically connect and communicate with ETS2? In flight sim there is something called FSUIPC4 which acts as a comms interface between the tracker and the game itself.
  2. Anyone?
  3. I did reset it back to 0 as the post explained. Do you mean I need to leave it set at 1 and it will automatically be reset to 0? Or am I now just confused .
  4. Ok so I seem to have another challenge, related or not I don't know. Everytime now I seem to complete a job, the jobs board then gives me no jobs. I have done the thing where you edit the config file to reset the ecomony thing, but it keeps doing it. It also tells me I've arrived like 22hrs late for my job which is completely incorrect. Any ideas?
  5. Hmm clearly I didn't try it . It has launched my game and all looks ok so far. Thanks for the help. Honestly, I did try almost all of the patches!
  6. I will try that patch, but I'm sure I've already tried it. Also, if I have played the game on 1.22 and my gamefile is not compatible now, what does that mean I have to do.............start a new profile?
  7. That's the post I was referring to. It hasn't changed anything for me..............so I tried the other patches too and none work.
  8. I was playing multiplayer last night just fine but today I get an error saying my ETS2 is the wrong version and that I need to downgrade. I have tried almost every other beta version as explained by another post on here but it changes nothing. I still can't run MP. I've also uninstalled ETS2 and MP and reinstalled both, again no change. Don't know what else to try. Any suggestions?
  9. Ok, that's great if I want a bunch of info about the servers. What about if I want to extract my game data such as details from a job I completed i.e. how long it took? what the cargo was? whether I incurred penalties. Is there anyway to capture that info from the game, at client level?
  10. Hi, Just curious, what is the developer kit API thing and what does it allow a developer to do? Does it allow someone to track their trucking data such as time taken, speed, crashes etc?
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