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Cat Whisperer

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Cat Whisperer

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    ETS2/MP.Amateur radio.

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  1. Thanks for replying ,i will pass the message on. But i don't he'll want to do that as he is not very pc.
  2. A fellow player is being kicked from discord every time he is connecting to mp server. Loss of sound and as to restart discord. Any help would be great.
  3. thanks for replies.yes verify does nbot work.
  4. so in ats the maps do not move about. this only happens on ats mp. ets2 ok in single player and mp. ats single player is ok aswell. any advice please.
  5. thanks for your reply.
  6. Is there a mod that uses keyboard keys to scroll up and down cb channels?
  7. Ok thanks all.i did reset economy to get jobs.And yes i did come from sp to mp but not same profile.the version on sp is 1.25.3s.Is that what i need for mp?
  8. Hello Id like to know what the "veteran driver" means by your name thanks :)

  9. Why does my truck always go back to my garage when i start multiplayer up?Its never in the place i last finished a job. Also is it possible to travel to pick a job? I know choosing WOT jobs you start at the same place but thought it was different with multiplayer. Any advice please.
  10. FernandoCR.This is the problem i had last night .Created new profile and then no jobs.Now i know what to do thanks.
  11. i have this problem,started mp and no jobs again but on a different profile.so i went to sp ,then restarted mp and jobs are back.let you know what happens after a run.
  12. Where can you park up without being kicked ( afk ).?
  13. HI,just finished job.gone to choose another job,but they are not there. don't need sleep. Other profiles working ok with jobs. any advice please?
  14. pedrohs16.thanks for reply.thought i had a problem.
  15. i'm using a daf xf 510 euro 6.could it be that as i've just purchased it last night?or is it someone elses mod affecting game?it is happening when i quit game.
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