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[Reach Radio] JogR

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About [Reach Radio] JogR

  • Birthday 09/14/1999

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    TFM. DJ JogR
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Cambridge
  • Known languages

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  1. Thanks, everyone. it is now fixed. i have tried a new profile and it is working smoothly now
  2. Hi. I Have Tried all of that. I have even had a computer tech guy round and he says there should not be a problem. every time I login on mp my game freezes on the profiles page for about 10 + mins. I have tried everything to try fixing it but still, nothing has worked.
  3. My game keeps freezing for about 10 -20 mins every time I log in on mp . This only happens on mp and not single. I have uninstalled both mp and single player and re installed but it is still happening. Can anyone help!!
  4. i spouse i better start thinking of new passwords that i wont forget
  5. the way i like it. i can keep a eye on everything i need to and still do the work i need to as well . even easyer when it comes to me doing live shows. can have everything that i need in front of me.
  6. a bit messy at the moment but here is my set up ...
  7. a bit messy with icons but it not as bad as screen 2
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