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Veteran Driver VII
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  1. Καλησπερα σε ολους! Περασα απο εναν πολυσυχναστο δρομο και ενας παιχτης μπροστα ειχε lag και κολλησα απο πισω του με αποτελεσμα 100% ζημια και δεν μπορουσα να φυγω,ο admin νομιζε οτι το κανω επιτηδες και μ εριξε 2 μερες,εκανα και ban appeal αλλα τπτ!
  2. I fixed it! i strarted the game from opengl once and then when i restarted to direct x everything runs smoothly again,maybe it was a bug or something idk,anyway thanks for your help!
  3. I did everything you said but nothing changed,even when iam on the main menu the game lags,cursor goes on slow motion,i have not any back-ground programms running,on the task manager i dont even use more than 20% of my memory or proccesor.
  4. Hey everyone,i have a high-end pc ,i play any game on high-ultra settings but when i launch ets 2 it lags so much even if iam not connected to the server,this happens from the last 2 updates i didnt had this problem before,any ideas? -All drivers are updated! -Internet connection is good! -Re-installed the game! Fixed! i started the game from opengl once and then i tried on direct x mode now everything works fine,maybe it was a bug or something idk. You can close this topic! Ty everyone,happy holidays!
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