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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. Suggestion Name: Resting Drivers - Fix Suggestion Description: Can you please prioritize making drivers and garages work? Now they are just "resting" all over the time and doing nothing. Let's fix that so the drivers will get jobs, level up, earn some money and make everybody happy. :-) Any example images: http://i.imgur.com/Sy4SqPZ.png Why should it be added?: I guess everybody would love this working as it is a huge part of the game, kinda important to maximize your game experience and improve the real-life feeling (you are not only a driver, you can also manage your company and enjoy reading lots of random occasion that happened recently.). Leveling up drivers also adds a doubled "RPG feeling" - you know, the progress and earning more and more. :-) Thank you very much.
  2. Same problem here - Music turned ON, working sounds, everything... Radio still not working. Seems like it is buffering or loading, but no sound.
  3. Hello, I am palying pure multiplayer, no singleplayer and I've upgraded my garage recently, bought 2 trucks and hired 2 drivers. Since that time the drivers haven't done a single job, their state is "resting". I tried to wait, but after 7 jobs completed by me they are still not working. Is there any way to fix that, please? Any help would be much appreciated, thank you. PS: I have not played singleplayer on this version, I got only one MP profile, pure multiplayer driving, so the bug mentioned in FAQ about damaged profile from singleplayer is not this case.
  4. papuce

    "Save ID"

    This is what I need... typing my email adrress 15x per a day is ridiculous... Plus implementation of "saving login ID" is kinda easiest jobs ever. Thank you *THUMBS UP*
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