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Veteran Driver VII
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Community Answers

  1. SlavaH's post in No quick jobs was marked as the answer   
    Please try to reset your economy
    If you would like a profile that has some money and XP on so you do not have to keep on doing quick jobs (Be aware quick jobs do not work in MP so you have to do them in SP).

    Money and XP Profile (ETS2.LT - Euro Truck Simulator)
    To Install the Profile
    1: Navigate to this inside your computer:
    "Your Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/Profiles"
    "Your Documents/American Truck Simulator/Profiles"
    2: Once there take the massive folder made of numbers and drag and drop it into this folder.
    3: Run your game and the profile should be visible, and you're ready to get in game and customize trucks and controls and other things to your liking.
    Kind Regards,
  2. SlavaH's post in Started new game but completed one mission? was marked as the answer   
    Please try to reset your economy
    If you would like a profile that has some money and XP on so you do not have to keep on doing quick jobs (Be aware quick jobs do not work in MP so you have to do them in SP).

    Money and XP Profile (ETS2.LT - Euro Truck Simulator)
    To Install the Profile
    1: Navigate to this inside your computer:
    "Your Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/Profiles"
    "Your Documents/American Truck Simulator/Profiles"
    2: Once there take the massive folder made of numbers and drag and drop it into this folder.
    3: Run your game and the profile should be visible, and you're ready to get in game and customize trucks and controls and other things to your liking.
    Kind Regards,
  3. SlavaH's post in Wokers in mp was marked as the answer   
    No, the drivers will not work when you do not have the game open. However, they do work when you sleep in game, or when you travel on the ferry/train.
  4. SlavaH's post in Is this a bug? was marked as the answer   
    Yes this is a bug and im sure that SCS know about it. I think it lets you go out if you drive very slowly but if you go fast then it breaks.
    You can report it to SCS here -http://forum.scssoft.com/viewforum.php?f=40 but i think they already know about it.
    Best answer marked.
    Locked & moved to solved.
  5. SlavaH's post in bug was marked as the answer   
    Hello, Merry Christmas!
    You need to wait around 10-15 mins (maybe more or less) until your game can load all of your garages and drivers in. You could fire your drivers if you have alot (I recommend doing this). You could also have 2 accounts one for MP and one for SP so that you dont get this problem.
     Please report back after you try to fix your problem!
  6. SlavaH's post in how long to keep waits to a complaint that the ban will be answered? was marked as the answer   
    There is no specific timelength that an admin will reply to a ban within, but i would suspect it is longer than usual as the report number is very high at the moment so admins are busy when they are on their computers.
    For now, you will just have to wait patiently until an admin gets around to your appeal/ unbanning you if you have changed your tag.
  7. SlavaH's post in Game crashing after 5 mins was marked as the answer   
    None of this helped me but i fixed it myself as i ended up wiping my PC anyway.
    Mods you can trash this if needed.
  8. SlavaH's post in Help was marked as the answer   
    Press the Y key to open the in game chat.
  9. SlavaH's post in It want me to select American truck simulator was marked as the answer   
    It will not make you select your path for ATS.
    If you click next it should take you to your ETS2 directory and you can then choose that.
    - (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2)

  10. SlavaH's post in New DLC paintjobs was marked as the answer   
    This paintjob is not supported by the current TruckersMP game version or server, so you will have to wait until the next update until you can use the new paints in this "mighty griffin DLC".
  11. SlavaH's post in Help with warnings was marked as the answer   
    good morning,
    Do you get kicked automatically from the server while trying to use these paints and or customizations? This is due to the TruckersMP server and game version not supporting these paint jobs yet, so you will have to wait until the next update to use them.
  12. SlavaH's post in Registrarion was marked as the answer   
    You have no games linked to youre profile yet.
    Please visit truckersmp.com and follow these rough steps:
    -ensure you have 2 hours on ETS2 first before trying this
    -Make sure your steam profile is set to public
    -Login to youre truckersMP profile in the top right corner
    -Look around youre profile settings for something along the lines of "Register Game"
    -click the register game button for the appropriate game and click check now
    -youre game should now register if you have used your correct steam account ect
    Please post the results and if this worked
  13. SlavaH's post in Maps mod for mp was marked as the answer   
    No 3rd party mods are supported by multiplayer unless stated in this thread
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