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Veteran Driver VII
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About damianea103

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    Poland: Poznan
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    Polish, English.

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  1. I'm afraid not, tried the new TMP update, and the TAB menu is still borked. Hopefully this is fixed soon
  2. Hi, After the latest update (TruckersMP: ETS2:, the TAB menu scaling seems to have broken on larger monitors. I use a 4K TV and both the TAB menu and chatbox looked fine before this update, but now the TAB menu is tiny, while the chatbox looks fine. Here are pictures for comparison: https://imgur.com/a/EAe6ixR For reference: I have tried adjusting scaling in the menu, it did not work, it only adjusted the size of the chatbox. I have tried resetting the TAB menu settings to default, no change. I have tried changing the resolution and scaling in-game, no change. I have tried changing Windows scaling, no change.
  3. Bro, the event's over
  4. Hey, not really sure where to ask this but, i won a DLC yesterday on the TruckersFM TMP9 celebrations, will those prizes be delivered at the end of the TMP9 celebrations ooor...?

  5. How can i change my VTC on my forum profile?

    1. ThiagoBR_


      It is still not possible to change the VTC in the Forum, the nameof your VTC may be wrong. We are fixing this and will soon be100% right

    2. damianea103
  6. How did i get the veteran driver rank?

    1. Aestrial


      You've been on the forum for one year. Well done.

  7. yes, but how on a tablet/phone. The clicking on the truck does not work on tablets but the old follow method did (which doesn't work anymore)
  8. I've read some guides and watched a video but they're all outdated. How do you do it now? EDIT: Sorry, forgot to mention i'm on a tablet.
  9. Oh well worth a try i guess. See ya in 2017-2018 then or even later ;( EDIT AFTER A YEAR: It's 2017 and finally got a 64 bit version of Windows for my laptop, yay! I was correct about saying see you in 2017
  10. Thanks mate that was by accident
  11. This would help a lot of people (including me) that don't have the money to upgrade to a 64-bit machine. I think you should put out a special 32-bit version and just maybe split up ETS2MP and ATSMP like in the old times. (Sorry that this dosen't follow the normal suggestion appeal but i wrote this quickly in hopes of notice. BTW sry for bad english im from Poland)
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