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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About deco13

  • Birthday July 21

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  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Milano
  • Known languages
    Italian, English

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deco13's Achievements

  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  2. Happy Birthday ?

  3. I've still no problem with the all 3 files
  4. New patch
  5. It's very difficult Pay attention
  6. All the files
  7. There is a new patch for the client. I don't have any issue with the mod. Work perfectly, Thanks.
  8. I think there are too many people that are downloading the mod, be patient
  9. Maybe some Admin could find that graceful people ^^


    https://postimg.org/image/b0omhn7h5/ comments under that vid

    https://postimg.org/image/ynpl5rct5/  --- This is a private message on YouTube


    @Lethe# @Cooper's Freightmaster @Bonnm @LIGHTOFGOD @MrHarv



    1. MrHarv98


      Find Truckersmp or steam account and then tag admins

    2. deco13


      if it were easy for me, I would have already done :lol:

  10. Veteran Driver! And now? :lol: Happy Birthday to me! 1 year here today! Cheers!

  11. lot of people are blocking the cross near Rott to Duisb. Need admin if available ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deco13


      I never see a kick in 15 minutes with lots of people that make a u turn on that cross to make more chaos, other people that overtake.. you know what happen there every time :lol:

  12. need admin duisburg /rotterdam! :)

    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      i think   there are admins  online :P , during Australia time we don't get much admins  online. 

  13. what's the problem in EU2 O.o

  14. Reports are waiting :lol:

    1. FirestarteR93


      "loading please wait"

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